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I wake up to the smell of bacon. I get up and see that Helena is not sleeping next to me. I get up and walk out of the room and see Barbra making breakfast and see Helena and Barbs sitting and eating pancakes.
"Morning" she says.
"Morning" I say walking over and kissing Helena head.
"Here are some pancakes" she says handing me a plate. I take it.
"Thanks" I say sitting down next to Helena. Barbra walk over with a plate of bacon and pancakes.
"So what are we doing today" she asks.
"I'm actually going to go to the GCPD and see Bruce" I say looking at her. Her eyes go wide.
"Are you telling him about Helena" she asks. I nod my head.
"I bumped into Alfred yesterday and we talked about what happened and he told me that telling Bruce would be the best thing to do" I say taking a bit of my pancake.
"Do you think I should tell Jim" she asks. I shrug.
"I don't know. You and Jim never really had a romantic relationship after when you left him when you two first came. But if you want to tell him I think you should" I say. She sighs.
"I'll think about it. When are you going" she asks.
"In a few hours" I say.
"Good That should give me some time to think about it" she says. I nod and eat my breakfast.

I drive up to the GCPD and it is just as I remember. I get out of the car and grab Helena. I walk into the GCPD and see Alfred standing.
"I thought you would come" he says. I sigh and walk over.
"Don't be nervous. It's fine" he says putting a hand on my shoulder. I smile.
"Ok I'll take you to his office" he says. I follow him as we walk down a hall.
We stop at a door. It had Bruce's names on it.
"Ready" he says. I nod and put my head on Helena's. Alfred knocks on the door. I hear Bruce say come in. Alfred opens the door.
"Master Bruce you have a visitor" he says. Bruce looks up from his files and sees me step in.
"Selina" he says standing up. I pass Helena to alfred and Bruce walks over and hugs me. I put my arms around his neck and hug him.
"I missed you" he says. I smile.
"Me to" I say. He pulls away and smiles at me. He look up and see Helena. He looks back at me in shock.
"I think we need to talk before you meet her" I say. He nods.
"I'll be with Jim So when you want me to give her back you know where to find me" he says. Bruce nods. Alfred closes the door and Bruce turns to me.
"I missed you so much" he says hugging me again.
"I know B I missed you to" I say hugging him. He pulls away and looks at me.
"I need you to explain why Alfred was holding a toddler" he asks. I sigh.
"That is Helena our daughter" I say. He looks at me wide eyed.
"Our daughter" he asks. I nod.
"Do you remember that night that we had together in the manor well I got pregnant and I found out after what happened with Jeremiah. I told Barbra and she was pregnant to so we took Oswald's plan and got out of Gotham. Then we had the girls and then we came back here as business wasn't doing well" I say. Bruce sits down.
"So your saying that Helena is my daughter" he says. I nod.
"How could she survive if you got shot in the stomach and where paralysed" he says.
"I think it was something to do with Ivy's plant that I took in the hospital. But I don't care how she is alive all I care about is that she is alive. And I want her to grow up with a father and I know you missed two years of her life that the never going to get back and I'm sorry for that but I know that our daughter wants a father" I say.
"So please be there" I say. He looks up and me and then stands up and connects our lips. I step back a little before connecting my arms around his neck. He wraps one arms around my waist and puts his other on my face. We pull away and look at each other.
"I love you and I love our daughter. I want to be there for our daughter and I want to be with you" he says. I smile.
"I want that to" he says. He smiles and kisses me again.

Me and Bruce walk out of his office and up the stairs and see Jim playing with Helena. Helena sees me and puts her arms out to me. I walk over and take her out of my arms. I walk over to Bruce and stand in front of him.
"There's daddy" I say planting a kiss on her head. She puts her arms out to Bruce and he takes her from me.
"Hi" he says smiling at her. She laughs and puts her arms around him. He hugs her and a tear goes down my face. Bruce pulls me in and we hug her. He looks at me and kisses me.
I have my daughter and the boy I love and we are together now and nothing can go wrong.

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