The births 2/8

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Guys I need your help comment some ideas please for next week as I want to do something different instead of these for the next 3 months so please comment.
Changed a few things
Timothy and Richard Wayne
Bruce and Selina walk into the ball. The couple had now been going out together for 2 years and where expecting the next members of the family. They found out that they where having twins after their 2 month scan. The couple was existed yet scared. More than they where with Damien as they now have 2 babies on the way.
Selina holds Bruce's hand as they walk in.
"Mr Wayne welcome" the security guard says. Bruce nods.
"Thank you" Alfred says. Bruce and Selina keep walking.
"There's a lot of people here tonight" Bruce says. Selina nods and groans a little.
"You ok" Bruce asks.
"Just back pain" she says.
"Well you are carrying twins come on sit down" Bruce says as he leads her to their table. Selina sits down and Bruce's sits next to her.
"You alright miss kyle" Alfred asks as he walks over to the pair.
"Just back pain" she says.
"Ahh the little minx's giving you trouble again" he says. She nods.

"Ahh Bruce, Alfred Good to see you" Lucias says. Bruce stands up and shakes his hand.
"Lucius Good to see you" Bruce says.
"Ahh Selina good to see you" Lucius says. She smiles.
"So when are is the baby due" he says.
"Next week" Bruce says.
"Yeah and I just want them out" Selina says.
"Them... are you having twins" Lucius asks. Bruce nods.
"Congratulations" Lucius says.
"Thank you" Bruce says.

After a few hours Selina has been having these back pains all day. She had drank many glasses of water to try and ease the pain. Bruce sits next to her and holds her hand. Selina feels a big pain go down her body and she grips Bruce hand tighter.
"Hey you ok" he asks. She shakes her hand.
"Can we go somewhere else" she asks. He nods. Bruce and Selina get up and walk over to a quite area.

Selina leans up against the wall and groans.
"Hey babe what's wrong" Bruce says as he rubs her back.
"B I don't think this is back pain... I think I'm going into labour" she says.
"What ok we need to get you to the hospital" he says. She shakes her head.
"These babies are coming quick" she says.
"Ok" he says. Bruce sees Alfred.
"Alfred" he calls. Alfred turns his head and runs to them.
"What is going on" he asks.
"The babies are coming but we can't make it to the hospital. We need to get her ready" Bruce says. Alfred nods.
"Ok I'll get someone" he says. Selina grabs ahold of Bruce's shoulders.
"It's ok we have this" he says. She nods in his shoulder.

Once everyone was notified that Selina was having the baby they got her into the women's bathroom for more privacy. Lucius was standing outside the door making sure no one comes in.
The door opens and Lee comes running in.
"I heard we where only a few blocks away at a restaurant" she says. Selina cries as a contraction hits. Bruce leans his head on hers and says soothing words into her ears.
"It's ok" he says.
"Lee I need to push" Selina says. Lee looks.
" I see the top of the baby's head so I need you to push" she says. Selina nods.
"1...2...3 push" Selina holds onto Bruce's hand and pushes.
After a few minutes there is a cry.
"It's a boy" she says. Selina cries. But it is short lived as she has the urge to push again.
"It looks like baby number 2 wants to come ok Selina push" Lee says. Selina pushes and cries.
After a minute there is a cry.
"It's another boy" she says. Bruce's kisses Selina's head. They hear claps from outside. 
"You did it" Bruce says. Selina cries. Lee comes over and hands the couple each a baby. Bruce looks down at his new sons and smiles.
"They're perfect" he says. She nods and smiles at them.
"So what where you thinking of naming them" Lee asks.
"Well I was thinking of Timothy and Richard" Selina says. Bruce smiles.
"That's perfect" he says.

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