Chapter Fourteen: Backstory

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Author Note:

I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1,000 READS!!!! It's really important to me to know that you guys like what I'm putting out, so please be sure to drop a vote (though many of you already have :3), this really just helps me to continue on the story! As well, I should also thank you guys for half a 100 votes! (Yes, it's technically 50, but half a hundred sounds more impressive!) Again, it means a lot.

I end up figuring out how to open the stupid door using the computer-thingys. But only with some kind of luck I didn't even know I possessed. We come to a piece of writing. I lean in toward it, squinting slightly to make out the words.

To open the door, give your name to God;
If there are no lies in your life
Give Him your true name
but, God does not need the sinner.

"Does that wall say something interesting or what?" Zack snaps.

"Ah, it's nothing. Don't worry about it," I tell him with a shrug. He shrugs it off, and we continue until we come to yet another hallway filled with doors.

"Why does this look so familiar?" he mutters,

"'Cause it's the first area we passed through," I tell him with a shrug.

"So she had the nerve to clown around like that right next to us," he growls angrily. "I'mma kill her!" he adds, realizing only a moment later, "Oh, we already did that, huh?" he mutters, turning toward me, "So, how do we get to the next floor?" he asks calmly. I shrug just as the mechanical sound of something opening echoes down the hallway. We walk toward it with a shrug, "The wall's open," he mutters to me, as I wasn't here before. I shrug slightly, "it looks like some weird door to me," he mutters, pointing at an unopened elevator. I roll my eyes in amusement.

"It's the elevator," I mutter, "And we should wait here for Ray, she'll find us. I'm sure of it," I tell him firmly. He just huffs in annoyance, about to protest before I give him a don't-even-think-about-leaving-her-behind glare. He groans, and I flop down, leaning back against the wall. He joins me, though obviously displeased. He grips his scythe tightly, leaning back.

"Why were you okay with dying?" he finally mutters. I hesitate before shrugging off my own nerves. I sigh softly, not liking having to talk to him about it. I press my knees into my chest, my arms looping around my knees.

"Well, it would take a while to explain, but basically..." I trail off, thinking about how to explain it. "Mine and Ray's parents had me first, obviously. But at the time, they didn't want a child. So I was put up for adoption. Put simply, I ended up in a place that used us as workers, and not as children. A few years later, they had Ray, whom they couldn't put up for adoption, and they didn't want to take care of her. So they regained custody of me and then used me to raise Ray. So I literally raised her, as well as myself. When she started getting... well... murder-y, I just ended up supporting it. I kinda had to. I already knew how to fight, and since Ray's literally the only family I have, I'm gonna protect her. So I would help her out with everything, and it just brought us closer. It's not a bad life, but it sure as hell isn't a good one," I tell him calmly, my voice flat and soft. His eyes stay trained on me suddenly. I glare up at him, "Your turn!" I snap, poking his shoulder. He lets out a slow sigh, turning toward me.

"Well, my mom was pretty bad, and she has a really sucky boyfriend too..." he starts, his voice carrying both uncertainty and even some distrust. I just wait patiently, "He hated me. A lot. Not that my mom liked me much either. But this guy hated me. One day... he poured gasoline on me..." he trails off, swallowing harshly. I lightly touch his arm, suddenly understanding. "He set me on fire," he mutters, his fists tightening angrily. "I got sent to a pretty shitty orphanage right after that, they..." he trails off again, hesitating. I hum softly, encouraging him to continue. "they used me as a tool to bury the kids that died," He growls, looking away. I let out a tiny gasp of horror, but he continues. "I killed the guys who ran it. I then killed some other woman... and then a blind guy found me..." A look of almost-fondness crosses his features, though sadness also mars it. "He was killed for what little money he had." He finishes flatly, turning away in annoyance. "Stop taking goddamn pity on me!" he snarls. I roll my eyes, whacking the back of the head,

"That sounds like you had a shitty life," I whisper lightly rubbing his arm. "Though it clears up a lot," I add, leaning back against the wall.

"[Y/N]," he whispers, his arm laying across his wound as he winces in pain. I notice, shifting, my hand gently pressing against his chest to pull him back before I lean slightly down, looking worriedly at the large amount of blood. I let out a small curse, digging through my bag in the hope of finding anything I could possibly use to help. I let out another soft curse, not finding anything I could give him. "What's wrong with it?" he mutters, obviously in pain.

"You fucking moron..." I whisper, staring bleakly down at the wound, "D-Did you really have to cut yourself so deeply... and with such a large cut?!" I snap, leaning back.

"Eh, I'll be fine," he says dismissively. My eyes snap up, and I glare in rage, leaning forward,

"No! No, you won't! So cut it out! Stop acting like a goddamn hero, or monster, or a god or whatever! You're hurt! And you will not live if your wound isn't treated. So stop acting like everything's fine!" I shout, my fists clenching in absolute rage. He just chuckles, leaning forward,

"Aww, you actually sound like you care," he says, attempting to tease me, I poke his wound, and he lets out a hiss of pain, doubling over with his head landing into the crook of my shoulder, his breathing ragged from pain. I roll my eyes, though my hands gently stroke the back of his head,

"Shh, it'll be okay. I-I'll find a way to fix it," I whisper. He lets out a groan of pain, forcing himself to sit up. I gently help him lean back, checking his wound yet again, even though I know I can't do anything. Idiot... fucking moron... "Promise." 

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