Chapter Forty Eight: Files

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Author Note:

Look! I posted again! Hopefully, I'll post a bit more often now, as I finally forced myself to make a simplistic outline of Cathy's floor. Hope you enjoy!

Dusty files are haphazardly stacked everywhere, though the table at the center of the chaos is clear, aside from a small handful of files. With a small shrug, I grab the first one. In thick, straight handwriting is a portfolio of some kind. A sort of data entry with simple facts about various people. This one is about someone named 'Shin' no last name. The photo attached shows me someone with long hair and two odd scars, the one that's on her left curves above her eye and the one on her right bows below her other eye. I don't continue to look beyond that, as I doubt they'd be someone I'd meet.

I pluck up the next file, flipping it open. This one is interesting... 'Isaac Foster'. With a picture of Zack, looking particularly pissed off.

"DIE!" I hear him faintly roar from the main room, and I sigh quietly. I guess having them get along won't be happening...

I look down at the file again for a moment. My eyes land on a section 'known past'. I quickly clamp the file closed, setting it back onto the table. That's none of my business. I move to pick up one of the other files, but maniacal laughter makes me pause. I should probably go and check on them...

Navigating is a bit easier now, the lights mostly on. I manage to find the stupid little crack again, and start to wedge myself through.

"Zack?" I shout into the main room, trying to shove my way through.

"I'm coming I'm coming," he grumbles, his voice faint. I silently roll my eyes, sliding my shoulders forward to try and push my way out. Zack's sniggering makes me pause, glaring at him.

"Shut up and help," I snarl at him, trying to drag myself out. It takes more time than I'd like to admit, but I finally manage to get out of the fucking crack in the wall. "Where's Eddie?" I ask him suspiciously. Nothing. "Red hair, shovel, with some adorable gloves and overalls," I say, trying to describe him as best I can. Zack only giggles.

"Oh yeah, I killed him," he says, clearly overjoyed at it. And there goes my connection to Ray...

"You're such a moron," I mutter. He just lets out a tsk of annoyance. "You have any idea where the elevator is?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He shrugs.

"Nah, but the little shit dropped this," I frown at Zack's name for Eddie, but take the small black box anyway. Yeah. He's way too dumb to make it out of here on his own. Seriously, there's a button clearly labeled 'elevator'. With a small flourish, I press it, and a mechanical whirling brings the elevator down to us. He happily gets on, shouting at me to hurry up. I set the remote down on a nearby, destroyed, grave.

"Sorry Eddie," I mumble, but still get on the elevator. Zack lounges against the wall, his scythe covered in fresh blood. I guess I can't really judge him, sure, he's incredibly stupid, but he doesn't actually care who he murders. "So, 'Isaac Foster' huh?" I ask, and he seems to stiffen, turning sharply, anger flashing in his eyes. "I guess you'd prefer Zack though," I add, staring at the small gauge. It's obviously going a lot slower than before.

"Yeah," he mutters, clearly on edge. I probably should've kept on checking the files. Even if Eddie doesn't know much himself, I probably would've found one on Ray...

"Do you have anyone you care for?" I ask sharply. With a small, annoyed grunt, he shrugs.

"Nope," he seems annoyed at my questioning.

"I have a sister." no response. "She is the only person I care about," I lean back against the cold metal.

"What do I care?" he snarls.

"I clearly saw your file. It's only fair to give you information about me in return," I say with a shrug.

"I don't fucking care!" he snaps, kicking at the elevator door. He's stupider than I thought... We lapse into silence, until the door opens with a soft whirring sound. "Well this is gonna suck," he growls suddenly, glaring angrily at steel bars. He stomps out of the elevator, while I quietly survey the small 'room'. There's not even a lock on the bars. He raises his scythe, clearly intending to just hit the bars. I immediately stuff my hands over my ears. A moment later, he's vibrating from the impact. I resist the sudden urge to laugh at the idiocy.

"Those are iron," I mention, only managing to make him glare murderously at me. A nearly silent mechanical whirling sound makes me glance around, my eyes narrowing. It sounds oddly familiar.

I end up thrown back against the wall, Zack having managed to grab me.

"Hi~!" I hate you immediately. "You must have some serious intuition~~" someone purrs from a speaker system, Zack looks ready to yell. "Oh~ I'll let you through my lovely little sinners! This is going to be so much fun, you disgusting sinners will be so much fun to punish! I've already prepared so many little games for us to play! And I will be your beautiful judge~! No escape, only endless torture~!"

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