Chapter Twenty: The Way In Which Angels Break and Fall

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3rd POV

The soft sound of crying draws Zack's attention, and he finds another young girl, this one around nine or ten. She's wandering around an obvious murder site, angry tears running down her cheeks. "Oi! You looking for this?!" he snaps, holding up the bloodied knife. Her eyes snap up to his, and a certain joy fills them. She rushes forward, snatching the knife away only to scurry backward.

She almost seems to snarl at him, her [H/C] hair hanging in knots. Her white dress is torn, and coated in blood and muck. Her cheeks are dirtied, though the tears helped to clear it up a bit. She's a lot thinner than before, obviously having a lack of proper nourishment. He glances at the bodies before bending down to face her, remembering everything about [Y/N]'s childhood he could remember.

"Umm..." he starts, uncertain and annoyed, in response, her eyes narrow in distrust. He remembers the lullaby she sang to the small child they'd found. "Come little children, I'll take thee away, into a land of enchantment. Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden, of shadows," he sings, his voice shockingly not terrible despite the normally rough timbre. Her voice is tentative as she whisper-sings the next line.

"Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way, through all the pain and the sorrow. Weep not poor children, for life is this way, murdering beauty and passions," her eyes peer at me for a moment, before a tired smile slides over her features. She holds tightly onto the knife, her eyes closing and her head tilting to the side to expose her neck. This time, the joyful expression means Zack can't contain himself, especially when paired with his annoyance.

His scythe slices into her neck, and to his surprise, instead of blood and death, the action brings a warm golden glow to her, the slice on her neck shining brightly before her dress is suddenly neatly patched, the blood and muck dissipating into thin air. Two white wings unfurl from her back. They're noticeably more drab than the other two girl's and hardly seem fit for flying but she still rises upward. A red orb clinks to the floor, glowing.

Zack picks it up, and immediately feels a surge of warmth and safety. He growls in disapproval and suspicion at the feeling, stuffing it into a pocket. The moment he ceases to touch the orb, the feeling vanishes.

He huffs, breaking down YET ANOTHER wall. On the other side of this one, lies a house. He grumbles, opening the door. He gags at the stench of blood and rot, as it's obvious whatever's died has been dead for a long time.

He walks in, only to be stopped by a gun pointed at his chest. One blue and one [L/E/C] eye staring blankly at him, though there is obviously some traces of fear and guilt. He shrugs it off, taking out the orb,

"Here. This must be yours," he says bored,

"It's not. Now get out," she hisses, and he presses the orb into her hand, making her gasp in shock, her eyes widening and the gun dropping from her hand in her surprise at the feeling the orb elicits. She jerks back in her shock, and he holds it out toward her.

"Damn it, don't you want it?!" he snaps, and she slowly eases forward, quickly snatching away the orb and clutching tightly to it, though her guilt barely seems to fade. She stares down at the orb.

"It's my fault Ray had to kill him... I should've been here. Not looking for a damn knife I lost years ago... I should've been here for her when she needed me," she whispers, staring down at the orb numbly. Slowly a glow encircles her, though it's blackened instead of golden. "Next time, I'll be here to protect Ray. No matter what happens. I'll do anything to protect her," the girl's eyes meet Zack's, a terrifying mixture of insanity and determination burning through her eyes.

Her wings unfold again, this time, they're a horrifying broken black, twisted and mangled. Zack gasps in shock and horror as she sinks into the floor, and the entire house vanishes, leaving only a dimly lit room, a small ball of velvety black yarn on the ground. He scoops it up, staring at the pretty thing. Suddenly, the ball twitches before bursting up into midair, forming into words.

He squints at them, unable to read. They spell out;

Are you sure you want to find the truth?
As an angel of heaven can easily fall to be a fallen angel,
Can you mend the long-shattered wings of a broken angel?

He groans in annoyance.

"I can't read dammit," he snaps at the yarn. In response, a strand twines around his finger, and a flat, monotone voice plays in his mind, saying the words the yawn spelled out. Zack groans in anger. "Another fucking riddle," he snarls, shaking the ball of yarn in his frustration.

He breaks the wall again, and this time, [Y/N] stares back at him, wearing a simple white dress. The dress is clean and white, and cold metal wings sprout from her back, her eyes calm and a small smile playing on her lips.

"[Y/N]? Is that you?" he asks, holding tightly onto the yarn. The girl watches him, silent, her wings fluttering lightly behind her, producing a soft creaking sound as well as a clicking hum from metal brushing against metal.

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