Chapter Thirty: Waiting

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The next day comes quickly, my parents stoic and cold toward me despite my warm attempts. I bounce out into Nanimonia's car, giving her a grin. She drives us toward school, having set up a new plan to confess to the boy after school. Behind the school at this little old willow tree.

I just nod along and promise to come watch, be ready to punch him or cheer for her. We get to the crowded parking lot, but Nanimonia's spot is clear, probably a result of her large hissy fits directed at whoever dares to try to take the spot.

The time between the beginning of the day both seems to last forever, and swirl by quickly at the same time. Seconds lasting lifetimes and hours lasting mere moments. I hide behind the school after the final bell echoes through the hallways.

Nanimonia and I decided I would watch her confess, ready to be a shoulder to cry on, or I'm armed with a party popper, so I'd be their official cheerleader. I tuck myself against the harsh red and brown bricks, ignoring the rough revenge they take on my skin.

Nanimonia bustles around the corner, grinning brightly up at him. I can't see him, the corner of the bricks obscuring him from view. I tense up, ready to jump out and yell at him if Nanimonia starts sobbing or cheer if she gives me a thumbs up. Something red catches the corner of my eye. It's not the dull, crumbling color of brick, it was a crisp smear of rich, rosy red.

I turn toward it, seeing just the edge of something curved and sharp before it vanishes around a corner, the soft putter of boots hitting the concrete ground, the occasional shuffle as the boots drags across the sporadic bursts of grass weaving through the cold concrete. I chase after the sound, unable to stop myself.

I manage to catch a few glances of a ratty hoodie and what seems like dirtied bandage-white skin. I keep following, too entranced to care where I'm going...

"DAREMO!!" Nanimonia shrieks, her voice layered with pain and hurt. I spin on my heel, having been snapped out of my trance. Tears streak her face, and the confusion as to how the hell I ended up in the parking lot vanishes.

"What did that bastard do to you?!" I bellow, rushing toward her. She collapses into my arms.

"Jerk! Ass! Piece of crap!" she howls, enraged by her pain. I cling to her, yelling the obscenities with her. Finally, she wipes away her tears, frustrated with herself. "Fuck 'im!" she declares, though her voice withers at the end. "I just wanna go home, and then we'll have a Titanic marathon and ice cream and chocolate!" she hisses, her voice just loud enough to echo across the parking lot, though her exhaustion and pain is clear.

We climb into the car, ignoring how hot it is today. I hardly feel it, though Nanimonia is sweating. She doesn't say anything, too distraught. She pulls out in a rough, jerky, angry motion, pressing her foot furiously on the gas petal, making the car roar forward, though she keeps it around the speed limit. By which I mean she only goes five over. Her older brother nearly died in a car crash, even in a rage she knows not to speed too much.

And then, only moments after pulling out and into The Choke point, where the road is skinny and only has one way in and one way out and where most traffic problems occur here, she slams her brakes, throwing me against my seatbelt and the tires bellowing their hatred. I glance up, my eyes finding those of a woman's.

Her hair is this odd pink and yellow gradient with all-too-bright green eyes and is dressed in what could only be every teenage boy's daydream; a suit-like outfit, with the top tight against her skin, an itty-bitty though very tight pencil skirt, and these high heeled boots that go up to mid-thigh. She has a sickening grin and a thing like a whip in her hand. Nanimonia lays into the horn with a vengeance. The woman throws her head back in laughter.

"Call security," Nanimonia mutters under her breath, having stopped slamming her hand onto the horn. She tosses her phone lazily at me. It lands between the seats. I focus on fishing it out while Nanimonia stares angrily at the woman. I manage to pull it out and am dialing the number when Nanimonia mutters under her breath, "Fuck this..." she throws the door open, climbing out before slamming it.

I can't hear them from in here, but I don't mind that, instead mentally cursing the stupid security. This is the third call. Voicemail. Again. I toss the phone into an empty cup holder, untangling myself from the heated metal of the car.

"Hey, I called security, they're on their way," I call out to the woman. She and Nanimonia ignore me, still arguing. Now that I can hear them, I can hear Nanimonia raging at her, cursing her out even. The woman barely responds, often answering with a cackle of laughter.

Suddenly, the woman dramatically raises the whip thing, saying something about punishment before bringing it down. The cold echo of a gunshot berates my ears, a scream in my voice echoing as Nanimonia drops like a stone. The woman lets out a sickening cackle of joy. Blood creeps along the pavement, pooling at her feet. My legs go numb and I collapse to my knees, my hand pressed over my mouth in horror.

"I've been waiting so long to kill you~" the woman purrs, her voice echoing in my head as if we were in a cave. She points the whip at me, chuckling, obviously enjoying the sight of my cowering. My eyes are still trained on Nanimonia. "LOOK AT ME!" she screams, kicking the side of my face harshly. I fall onto the pavement. Hard. I can feel the skin pulled from where my clothes don't protect me. Blood runs down my cheek.

Author Note: Okay, quick thing, I guarantee it's not all a dream (though the above slightly disproves that idea).

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