Will You Be My Dealer? (A Ronnie Radke Love Story)

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I would just like to start off saying, I do not hate Ronnie nor Max.


I look in the mirror as I comb through my pitch black hair. I can't believe today I'm finally going to meet my idol.

I step back and look at my 5"2 petite figure in my full length mirror. My shirt is black and has rips all over. Under the rips, it shows another shirt which is a light pink. I have ripped black skinny jeans covering my legs. My shoes are black and white high top converse. I guess I look good enough.

"Kat, get down here!!! We need to leave! NOW!" I hear my best friend Ally call.

"Coming!!" I yell as I fly down the stairs and accidentally run into an agitated Ally.

"Kathryn Amelia Jacobs!! I understand you want to look PERFECT, but did you really have to take so long? C'mon let's goooooo!"

We run to the car and I tumble into the passenger's seat while Ally drives. Ally is 22 and I'm 21. So she decided she should drive since she's older.

A long hour goes by but we finally reach our destination. A Falling in Reverse concert. And we have backstage passes. Tonight, I'm finally going to meet THEEE Ronnie Radke. We step out of the car, and run to our front row seats. Our parents know we're HUUUGE fans, so for our birthdays, they each pitched in money to get us here.

We wait for the band to come on stage. Then, there they are. So close you could practically touch all of them. Everyone erupts into loud screaming as they start their first song, I'm Not a Vampire. We rock out and sing along to every single one of their songs, but then the concert ends. Now, we can go backstage and meet them. Ally is obsessed; I mean OBSESSED with Ryan Seaman. It's pretty funny actually.

We start heading backstage. We wait our turns in line. I get all the other band member's autographs, and then I finally get to Ronnie.

He smiles, looks into my eyes, and says, "What do you want me to sign?"

I hand him a photograph I have of him. While he's signing it, I attempt to speak to my love.

"Hey, I just wanted to say that you're my idol. I think it's really cool that you quit drugs. And I hope things work out with you and Craig. You really don't deserve the shit he gives you."

Then he hands me my picture, I say bye, and walk away. While walking away, I turn back to get one last look at Ronnie, to find him watching me. I blush, and quickly turn back around. As I turn around, I bump into a strong chest and fall to the ground. I look up to see why I fell, and I see worried eyes staring at me, while the guy holds out his hand to help me up.

"I'm so sorry. I should've watched where I'm going," The guy said as he helped me up, "I'm Max, Max Green."

Max Green? Dafuqq was he doing at a Falling in Reverse concert?

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kat." I was then aware of how close to each other we were standing, and took a step back.

When he next looked at me, he was panicked. "Oh my god, you're bleeding! Come with me, I'll help you get cleaned up." I looked down at myself and saw he was right, I am bleeding. My knees and hands are bloody from falling into broken glass. He puts his arm around me to help me walk, and we head over to his tour bus. Dafuqq? His whole tour bus was here? DAFUQQ?! I turn back around again to see Ronnie watching me walk off with Max. Anger was burning in his eyes. Wow. He must be PISSED off seeing that Max is here. We step onto the tour bus and I see that no one else is here.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"In their bunks sleeping. Now come and sit on the couch, I'll go get the first aid kit."

I do as he says and sit there waiting. He comes back, and starts wiping the blood off of my hands and knees. He then does other medical stuff that helps :P

"Thanks Max, but I should get going. I came with a friend and she's my ride home. I better go find her"

"Wait, call me if you need anything" And he took my hand and wrote his number on it. While still holding my hand, he looked into my eyes. I started blushing, pulled my hand away, turned around, and got off the bus.

Now where is Ally? I start walking all around, trying to find her, but I can't.

"Need help?" I hear a familiar voice whisper in my ear behind me. Startled, I jump up and turn around to see Ronnie just inches away from my face.

"Um... I was just looking for my friend Ally. She was my ride home."

"Was her name by any chance Alice? Because Ryan was hanging out with her earlier. She left, saying that her friend probably is already heading home with a guy she met."

"Yeah... that was most definitely her."

"Well it seems to me you need a ride home now. I could bring you if you want" He offers, looking down into my eyes.

"Um, sure. That would be great. If you can. I don't want to be a bother." I stutter.

"No it's completely fine." He turns on his heels, and starts walking to his car. I don't move for a second, due to the fact that I am so shocked. But I finally snap out of it, and head over to the passenger's side and get in.


Listening to: Fallen Angels by: Black Veil Brides On the side

Sexy picture of Ronnie on the cover of AP also to the side ------>

Hai guise :3 So yeah, decided to start a Ronnie Radke story, since I am in love with him :P So please comment, tell me if ya like it and if ya don't (in a nice way please) And pleaaaase comment any ideas for what should happen in the story? On my writers block days it would help a lot to have that. Thankss

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