First Dates

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-Kat’s POV-

I got out of the shower, dried off, wrapped a towel in my hair, put on some sweatpants and a spaghetti strap, and exited the bathroom. Max quickly ran up to me excitedly shouting, “We’re going on a date tonight!!!”

“We are?” I questioned, not expecting this at all.

“Yes!! Now go get ready, we’re leaving in 20 minutes!! Wear something fancy!!”

Oh geez… 20 minutes. I blow dried and straightened my hair very quickly. I slipped on a dress that was a deep purple. It was tight from the waist up, and then flowed from my waist down to about mid-thigh. I put on some ripped up leggings under the dress. I wore my black high heels. On my wrists were a bunch of different assorted bracelets.

Then to the makeup!! I put on winged eyeliner. I decided not to be too complicated since I only have 5 minutes left. Then I just added some skin color type lipstick.

I ran down the stairs so fast, that I tripped on the last step, sending me tumbling downward. But before my face made impact with the floor, I felt the arms I love so much catch me and help me up.

“Careful.” Max whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I looked at him. He was wearing fancy black pants along with a black, long sleeve button up shirt. Max doesn’t enjoy suites, but he still looks amazing.

We went over to the car, he opened the door for me, and I sat in the front seat. Then he went around and got into the driver’s seat. We drove in silence for a while, just holding hands in the middle of our seats, but then my curiosity got the best of me.

“Where are we going?” I asked, “How much longer?”

“It’s a surprise, but we’re almost there, so close your eyes. I want this to be a surprise.”

I did as he said and closed my eyes. About 5 minutes later, I felt him slow the car to a stop.

“Keep your eyes closed” He told me, as he got out and opened the car door for me. He helped me step out, and led me into wherever we are. We walked a bit, but then he helped me sit down in a chair. I heard his sit down in a chair across from me as he said, “Open your eyes.”

I opened my eyes to find us at a small, circular table. There was one of those amazing color changing candles that I’ve always wanted, sitting in the middle of the table. There was slow, romantic music playing in the background. I looked around and saw we were in a room of his house.

“Max,” I started, “Why did we drive if we’re just back at your house?”

“That’s the fun,” Max smiled, “You would have never guessed.”

The rest of that night went by so quickly, even though I didn’t want it to ever end. We sat, laughed, talked, ate amazing spaghetti that Max had cooked, and just had a great time. Eventually we both went and changed into more comfortable clothing.

We then curled up on the couch together and started watching The Grudge, which let me tell you, is a really freakin’ scary movie.

I was sitting right against him the entire time, hiding my face in his chest during all of the scary parts, while he soothed me by petting my hair. I could also hear him chuckle every time I screamed.

I think I really love Max. He’s so amazing. But there’s still a nagging in my head that makes me think about what could have happened with Ronnie.

By the end of the movie, I was so tired that I couldn’t even stand. So Max carried me up into his room, moved the blankets on his bed, carefully set me down, and put the blankets back over me. He went to turn off the light and then lay down in the bed on the opposite side. I felt so alone in this huge bed.

“Max.” I whispered barely audible.

“Yeah?” I heard him reply.

“Can you hug me just until I fall asleep? Then you can let go?” I asked; sleep threatening to fall over me at any minute.

“Of course Kat.”

Then I felt the bed move as he moved himself closer to me. I felt his warm body against mine, as his arms wrapped around me comfortingly. I turned so my head was right by his chest. The rise and fall of his chest was making me even more tired.

“I love you Max.” I muttered, right before falling into a deep sleep.

-Max’s POV-

She loves me? Maybe she’s just too tired, and she doesn’t know what she’s saying. I hope she actually meant it though, because I really do like her a lot. What if she did mean it? Well now I seem like a jerk for not saying it back. I hope she knows I love her too.

I open my mouth to say that I love her, but I can tell that by now she’s sleeping.

I hugged her tighter, and smiled to myself. I actually have her here with me, in my arms. Everything seems so perfect right now, I hope it never changes.

I soon fall asleep with the love of my life sleeping peacefully in my arms.

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