Never lost my mind before

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“NO, no, no, no, no” I shouted at the closed door “not now at least please”

I kicked my luggage down and hit the metallic walls. Now I am not only going to lose my flight but my mind as well.

“Help!” I shouted, not sure I could be heard or not. I let my purse fall down and continued shouting and banging the door. Only a red light allowed me to see.

“There are so many people in this world, why me” I silently cried, overreacting about the unpredictable event.

The truth was, I was angry. After all the things I had been through these past days, this one is the worst. First, I lost my way to the hotel and ended up twenty miles away, I almost got killed by a taxi driver and missed the breakfast hours every freaking day.

It couldn't get any worse…

“Why?” I heard a whisper behind. The unfamiliar voice sounded lost and distant. I tried to remain calm, but his shaky breath didn’t help much.

I turned my head to him, seeing his hands trembling as he took off his backpack that I hadn’t even notice before. He threw it away and then let himself slide to the ground.

I still couldn’t see his face, so his trembling hands, loud breathing and then a slight sound of sobbing, scared me away for a moment or two. But then it completely shocked me when the tall man rose to his feet. My heart beating faster that ever.

“I-I can’t do this” the deep voice said. He placed his hands to the cold wall and seemed like he tried breathing steadily.

But then, his  previous sobbing returned and became a cry until he broke down hysterically, moving back and forth in a non-determined way. With a sudden move he bumped himself to the wall. In front of the crisis, I felt powerless.

The sound echoed through the small place. The man screamed in pain, but continued doing the same act over and over again. Every time it felt like he would drop to his knees.

What to do? What to do? I had never once experienced a panic crisis in any way and this wasn’t just a simple one, he was hurting himself heavily.
What am I supposed to do? Put priorities; come on, him or you?

I stood still, cold sweat embracing me. My mind was screaming but I could not move a finger. Will you pass out or help him? I don’t think that this depends on myself but still...

As I felt my legs failing me, a push brought me back to reality. Feeling the other's body touching me, I wrapped my hands around the stranger without even thinking.

“Hey, hey, hey, calm down”, my voice sounded unknown and strange, ”I am here now” I added, not knowing what to say. I closed my eyes as I felt him tense even more.

With a jolt he released himself.

“Don’t you dare touch me” he bawled and started moving around in shock again.

“Everything will be fine, they’ll come get u-“

“NO” he turned and looked at me, ”You shut up” his voice cracked.

Sad eyes glow with horror and despair, he stares at my soul. He moved closer to me in an instant. Quick steps sounded slow in my mind, almost as if the time had stopped. I felt attacked, not in the right mind. In the blink of an eye, the threatened self I had inside me took over my brain.

After that my punch landed straight to his face.

He moved two steps behind, whimpering, then falling to my arms.  Even though I was trembling and he wasn't that light either, I managed to hold him in some way.

His hat fell along with his body, soft curls touching my cheek as I slid down the elevator’s floor.

His face still hidden, he snuggled it to my chest, releasing a soft sound of comfort and relaxation. He smelled like lavender, a scent that calmed my nerves instantly. I sighed.

“What have I done to deserve this?”I mumbled when I heard his light snoring.

Not another love story {A Kim Taehyung fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now