Bye,Bye Ron

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Cheater  (9th of July,1999)

Hermione came home from work and put her coat on the hanger. "Ron"Hermione called but there was no answer.Hermione heard a moan from their bedroom.She walked to the door and opened it a tiny bit and found 2 naked people on her bed.One was Ron and the other was a brown haired girl.Hermione closed the door,with tears in her eyes and apparated to the ministry of magic "Hey,Hermione"Dean Said "Dean, tell the ministry that I quit"Hermione Said as tears threatened to fall.before Dean could ask why,Hermione apparated away.She went to her parents house and grabbed everything she had and left for a hotel.she then went to sleep.after hermione woke up,she wrote 2 letters and signed a job Application.A job she had wanted for awhile but Ron didn't want her to be near Draco.

Malfoy  Industries

Name:Hermione Granger

Address:Wizard palm Hotel 


One letter

Dear Ronald,

I found you cheating on me with some slut yesterday!Really?2 weeks before our wedding?I Hate You!Dont think of talking to me ever again!

Hermione Granger 

Your ex- fiancé 

Letter 2

Dear Harry,

I found ron cheating on me with some slut.Now don't do anything.I'm gonna start a new life.What ever Ron says let him say it,I will meet you again some day but for now it's goodbye.I quit my job.I will miss you Harry.

Hermione Granger 

She went down to the owlery in the hotel and sent her letters.

(10th of July)

Hermione has got an interview with Draco Malfoy.

"Hello,Mr.Malfoy"Hermione Said as she sat down infront of Draco "Granger,Being polite?Thats new"Draco smirked "Yes.Mr.Malfoy"Hermione said simply "Now tell me,why did you want to come work here?"Draco asked "Because It was the only slot available"Hermione lied "Didn't you have a job at the Ministry?"Draco asked,smirking "I Quit"Hermione Said, "So it wasn't the only slot available"Draco smirked "Malfoy"Hermione Glared at him "Tell me the truth Granger"Draco said "I Quit my job because I didn't want it."Hermione said bitterly "Why didn't you want it?"Draco Asked "Why are you being Nosy"Hermione snapped at him.Draco smirked "Fair Game,Work Starts tomorrow at 8.Congratulations Granger"Draco said. "Thank you"Hermione got up and left.

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