Quidditch dream

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The day arrived.Slytherin vs Gryffindore!

"Ready time!"Harry said . "Come on Harry let's go!"Hermione shouted at him "Ya!Come on!"Katie yelled "Alright let's go!"Harry then led them out.They took their places and flew up in the air. "the game has started!Harry Potter passed the quaffle to Ginny Potter,Ginny  Potter shoots,anddd she scores!" Hermione went up higher to see if she could see the snitch.She looked around but didn't see it.she could still hear them from below "Ron Weasley shoots and He scores.Its 90 to 30" Hermione kept looking around.She could see harry scoring but then a bugerd hit their keeper and she fell to the floor.Hermione saw something in the corner of her eye but thought it was just her imagination. After Harry,Ginny and Ron Scored a few goals,the announcer said "It's 120 to 120!"Hermione kept looking then she saw it,she saw the snitch.she chased after it , then Draco saw her and followed.she was now near the ground,Draco was behind her "AND IT'S HERMIONE GRANGER AND DRACO MALFOY AFTER THE SNITCH!"Hemione was gonna get it when it exploded.Draco and Hermione flew off their brooms.They were all surprised to see who it was "Hello,Son"Lucius said.Hermione was scared for Her children's lives. "What do you want?"Hermione screamed at him "You know what I want.I sent you a letter."Lucius smirked "How did you get in?"Draco asked "Well,My lord told me how."Lucius whispered so only Hermione and Draco can hear him "How? harry killed him!"Hermione said "No,it was A mudblood that Potter killed.You see the Dark lord controled him.the dark lord is up there,behind Your children."Lucius smirked "No,"Draco said.when hermione and Draco looked  up they saw Voldemort. "NO!"Hermione screamed "And the other death eaters are with your other kids."Lucius said "Lucius,let them go!"Hermione told him "only if you come with us.the dark lord could use your Knowledge"Lucius said "Fine,But your death Eater's must let go of them"Hermione Said.She turned to Draco "Draco,I love you.I will always love you."Hermione Said and hugged him.Many people were shocked. "Take care of our kids."Hermione Said "Hermione,No!I'm not losing you!"Draco called after her.but Hermione was tied up "I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU HURT HER,LUCIUS!"Draco Yelled at him "My poor Draco,Lost his loved one,"Lucius sneered "Draco,I Love you"Hermione Said "I dont care who knows I will always love you"Hermione Said Then they were gone,Draco was crying,he was on his knees.He just lost her. "Draco!Draco mate"Someone Yelled.then he was covered in water.He woke up.it was just a nightmare "What happened?"Draco asked "You were screaming 'HERMIONE' for 3 minuets straight.what happened to you?"Theo told him "It was Lucius.He was at the quidditch field.And Voldemort was there,He was behind McGonagall,who had the kids.And then Hermione went with them to protect Our kids"Draco told them "who's them?"Blaise Asked "Death eaters!I know them!"Draco said "why don't we go eat?"Theo Said "yea,let's go."Blaise Said

In the great hall 

Draco just got the daily prophet. He read through it when,

                                                                                Death Eater Break out!

It was them,the people that draco had dreamt about,the death eaters "Blaise Look!"Draco hit Blaise's arm.When Blaise looked at it and shrugged "Blaise these are the Death Eater's that were in my dream!"Draco Hissed "What're you gonna do?"Blaise Asked "I'm gonna hide the kids!"Draco snapped 

Draco what's wrong?

Hermione,I had a Dream that  Voldemort and Lucius were at the quidditch match.And the death eaters that broke out,are the ones that were about to kidnap the kids.I thought we should hide them.

Draco,I have these bracelets that my mom made.I can put charms on them and give them to the kids.If anyone,who isn't me or you,try's to apparate with our kids they would get blowen off  5 feet.If they use the killing curse,The curse would rebound and hit the attack,then the attacker would be killed.

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