The Redo Quidditch Match

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Hermione,Draco,Theo,Blaise And Astoria planned to get revenge a week later.Hermione was to sneak into the Boys dorm to Put  itching powder into Ron's socks and shoes.And She did just that.She left without anyone noticing.Delphi had also wanted to help so she put holes in Ron's other pair of socks and placed tiny spiders in them.Hermione and Delphi headed down and  went to the Slytherin's "Good luck today"Hermione Said.Today was the redo quidditch match. She knew that Ron wore the same socks and shoes every time after a quidditch match and that was the socks and shoes she had put itching powder in. "Try not to get hit by a spell today Granger"Adrian Pucey Smirked "I'll try but you guys try and win.But that can't happen can it" Hermione Smirked Back. "Good one Granger"Adrian smirked.Hermione went to the changing  rooms.She got changed and waited for the other players.When they arrived,Hermione told them that the Slytherin's Might Get physical during the match.When they got on the field,Gryffindore,Ravenclaw And Hufflepuff cheered and Slytherin sang:

"Weasley cannot save a thing,"

"He cannot block a single ring,"

"That's why Slytherins all sing:"

"Weasley is our King."

Hermione looked around and saw Draco. "This time the seekers will shake hands"Madam Hooch Said.Gryffindore Glared At Slytherin And Slytherin them.Hermione stepped to the front and shook Draco's hand "Good luck Malfoy"Hermione Smirked "You'll be needing it"Hermione let go of his hand and mounted her broom. "3.2.1!"Madam Hooch threw the Quaffle.They raced at it as Hermione Flew to the top of the stadium and So did Draco.Draco looked over to Hermione and smirked "lets see about that luck then, Mrs.Malfoy"Draco Said,Hermione rolled her eyes and Gave him a kiss on the cheek "We shall"Hermione smirked.Then something caught her eyes,It was beside Madam Hooch's Head.The Snitch.Hermione dived for it when a Bludger came past her head.She lost sight of the snitch.Hermione was flying up again when the Bludger came back and nearly made her fall off her broom.She looked at the score when "10 POINTS TO GRYFFINDORE!IT'S 30 TO 20!"The speaker yelled.Hermione caught sight of the snitch again,Right beside a goal post.Draco had seen it as well.They both raced at it "BOTH SEEKERS HAVE CAUGHT SIGHT OF THE SNITCH!"Yelled the speaker.Everyone was looking at the two.Hermione raced down fast,As Draco did the same.He was at her tail. She put out her arm about to get it When a Bludger came again but this time it hit Hermione's thigh and Draco's arm was out as well And was be side Hermione.The Bludger had broken Draco's arm and Hermione's thigh bone. They both fell off their brooms from the force of the Bludger.Hermione Couldn't move her leg "Both seekers are down!"Yelled the speaker.Hermione crawled onto her broom as fast as she could.She got on to everyone's surprise.She raised after the Snitch.The Bludger Came back and hit Hermione's arm.She broke her arm.Now she was holding on by one foot and one arm.The crowd gasped.Hermione felt like fainting.She saw the snitch a inch away.She jumped at it.She caught it!The crowd screamed in Victory.Hermione was falling to the ground but Ginny and Harry Grabbed her just in time. "GRYFFINDORE WINS"Madam Hooch Cheered.They all went Down to Hermione.Harry and Ginny placed her beside Malfoy.She looked over to him "Are You Ok"Hermione Asked him,To everyone's shock. "Why are you asking me? You broke two things!"Draco said.Hermione rolled her eyes "You're  ridiculous,Draco"Hermione laughed,But soon she lost Consciousness and they took her to the hospital wing.She woke up about an hour later "Hermione You're awake"Ginny exclaimed. "What happened"Hermione Asked "You fainted and your dear husband did too"Ginny said. "Is he Ok"Hermione Asked "Of course he is!"Ginny said. "Ginny,Did anything else happen"Hermione Asked "Ron Yelled at the Slytherin's that they played with it."Ginny said "And Snape gave him detention" "Oh"Hermione Said.After awhile Hermione,Ginny and Draco went down to the Great hall.Hermione entered and the Hall burst into applause Well exept for Slytherin.Hermione sat down beside Harry and they ate.After awhile the door opened and people screamed.Voldemort had came in with Bellatrix and Lucius.He looked at Hermione and Harry stood up and took out his wand "Harry put it down.He won't hurt me"Hermione Said, Harry gave her a Shocked looked and so did everyone else.Hermione stood up and walked over to them "Delphi is at the Astronomy tower.She left me a Note" Hermione said calmly.Everyone looked at her in disbelief. "We're not here for Delphi but I will see her later"Bellatrix Said "We're here for you"Voldemort said "You have more children"Hermione Asked Making Bellatrix chuckle "No,Lucius needs to get his punishment by you."Voldemort said. "Why?"Hermione Asked "he had played with the Bludger"Bellatrix answered "He broke Draco's arm too."Hermione Said "Ya,My Dear Sister wasn't happy"Bellatrix Said. "Well his punishment is......"Hermione looked at the Slytherin table "Draco come look at him"Hermione Said.Draco walked to her "Aunt Bella,Lord"Draco said. "Draco, Pick the punishment,I see that Your wife can't pick" Voldemort Said.The Hall exploded "WIFE!?!"They Yelled "What can I say,I'm Nice"Hermione shrugged. "The worst you'be got"Draco said "He deserves it"Voldemort nodded "Would you like to watch?"Voldemort asked "I don't think so"Draco answered "It isn't wise to watch your family get tortured"Hermione Said. "Very Well"Voldemort said "We'll visit Delphi And we'll leave"Bellatrix Said.They turned and left the hall "Really?"Hermione Said When she looked at Draco "What?"Draco said "He's Your Father Draco"Hermione Said "And?"Draco said "He's Family!" Hermione exclaimed"And?"Draco Said.Hermione hit him in the back of the head. "Would you throw me to Voldemort if I got you mad!"Hermione snapped "No! I love you and Not Lucius!"Draco said. "Well,Go with Your aunt"Hermione Said "Why"Draco Asked "You need to see Narcissa!"Hermione Said "Right!" Draco Said as he ran after his aunt.Hermione went back to her seat,everyone still looking at her. "Ok,you told me you married Malfoy but you didn't tell me your friends with Voldemort!"Ginny yelled "I'm not his friend!"Hermione Said "Then why won't he hurt you?"Ginny asked "I have something that he dearly loves and he won't hurt me as long as I have it.Besides he's almost close to being My Uncle in law"Hermione Said. "You have a weird Family Hermione" Ginny shook her head. "Wait!"Harry yelled "You Married Malfoy"He asked her "Yes"Hermione answered "And had children with him" "Yes" "And Your like Voldemort's Niece in law"Harry asked "Ya" "Woah"Harry said. "And you're a godfather!"Ginny said "Boy or Girl"Harry asked "Boy"Hermione Said. "HERMIONE!"Ron Yelled.Hermione looked at him "What" "YOU LIER!"He yelled "When was I You?"Hermione Asked.Ron turned bright red and left the hall after he tried to hit Hermione with a fork. "He'll be in pain later,Mione"Astoria said as she walked to her. "You did it?"Hermione Asked "On behalf of Pansy."Astoria said. "You guys are the best Hermione Said.She got up and left for the library. Astoria,Ginny,Harry,Theo, And Blaise followed,Leaving everyone in shock "She Married Malfoy?"Was all everyone was thinking about.

Sorry that I haven't posted in awhile. :(

Good night!


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