The Malfoy Anniversary

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November 5,Friday

Hermione had told the D.A That their first lesson was November 6th,which was tomorrow night.Hermione had planned everything for it.Draco kept sending notes to Hermione at Breakfast.todays was:

Meet me at the Astronomy tower at 8 tonight.Our anniversary Special.I Asked McGonagall and she Agreed.Happy anniversary love

Hermione Smiled At the letter. "What's that Hermione?"Harry asked "Oh,just a letter from my Husband"Hermione  said.Harry gave her an odd look. "Every year he told me if he ever died,I would still get letters from him.I don't know how he did though"Hermione said.Draco Had actually told her that every year "today is our anniversary."Hermione Smiled At the letter "Oh,Do you want us to be with you"Ginny asked "You know We'll always be there for you" "I think I'll spend it alone."Hermione Said "But thanks guys"Hermione Smiled At them.She got up with her bag and headed to her first class,Defence against the dark arts.Snape was still teaching Defence against the dark arts.She came in and sat down "Malfoy,Your early"He said "I don't want to be late do I Snape"Hermione Said.Draco Had Snape come every Christmas and any other special occasion ,so Hermione would see him at least 15 times a year. "Very well.What would you like me to call you Malfoy"Snape Asked "Granger"Hermione Said "You already know why don't you"Hermione Said When Snape Didn't Ask why. "Draco told me"He said "Of course he did"Hermione rolled her eyes at herself. "I was inwardly eye rolling"Hermione Said Immediately.Snape looked at the Door as the knob turned.Students entered one behind the other. "I will pair you up.The names are on the board"Snape said bitterly.

Potter and Weasley 

Weasley And Zabini

Nott And Finnigan

Granger and Malfoy


The list continued.Draco grabbed his things and went beside Hermione. "Hello Granger"Draco smirked.Hermione looked him in the eye and Smirked back. "Hi Malfoy"Hermione Said "are you speaking to your self Granger?"Draco Asked just loud enough for only Hermione to hear as his smirk widened.Hermione Smiled At him "Your adorable"Hermione teased and got her attention back to Snape. "You will be practicing hex's today.Begin"Snape Snapped At the class.Hermione turned to Draco. "Me first!"They said together.They argued for at least 3 minuets Before they released that half the class was starring at them.They stuck their tongues out at each other before starting. "Belentay!"Hermione shouted (Belentay is a hex that blasts you off your feet and makes you feel itchy for a few seconds,the weakest one Hermione made)Draco flew off his feet and hit the wall

Are you ok?           Hermione Asked in their head

Fine                       Draco replied 

Draco got up and went into the firing position They Learned in year 2. "Trivana!"Draco shouted (Trivana is a hex that transforms you into a beetle for 10 seconds,the shortest one Draco ever made.) "MALFOY!"Hermione Yelled,

Duel?              Draco suggested 

Fine by me       Hermione answered

They both fired their own spells (The weakest ones of course) at each other,making a duel.Yet they didn't realize that people were looking at them while they practiced. Hermione used Fidelity (Fidelity is a hex that makes your head grow small,it's not harmful in anywayAnd Draco used Tendyela (Tendyela is a hex that makes your head grow large,it's not harmful in anyway).People had formed a circle around them.Severus just watched,knowing that they wouldn't hurt each other,A smirk upon his face.Harry,Ron,and Ginny looked Mad but everyone else was cheering.At least 2 minuets later they broke it off.They fake glared at each other then left the room.  "get back to work!"Snape ordered them.They went far away from the class before they turned to each other and shared a long kiss. "Happy Anniversary"They Said to each other.They put on an invisibility spell upon them and stayed together till the next period . Hermione asked him about the Anniversary special he was talking about,but he just smirked "You'll have to wait and see,lovely"He said and went to his next class.Draco and Hermione actually got to spend half the day together since they were parnered together by all the professors.At Dinner they both left Early to go to the Astronomy tower.Hermione got there and was surprised.Draco had re-made their First Friendly Date.


Draco and Hermione became secret friends,and had to talk in secret.They thought they should meet up in the Astronomy tower and Have a little alone time in peace.Draco had gone all out for it.He'd Decorated It And Put a blanket on the floor.He'd brought Food from the Kitchen too.

End of Re-cap

It was amazing, "I thought since we were back at Hogwarts that we should re-do our first friend like date"Draco said. "You are amazing"Hermione said as she hugged him around his waist. "Why don't you get Changed"Draco said as he handed her a bag. "Draco"Hermione looked at him,raising her eyebrows "Don't worry there warm clothes so you won't get sick"Draco said as he kissed the top of her head. (BTW the kids that don't go to Hogwarts Are in The new Hogwarts Daycare).Hermione was still in her Uniform.She changed into the clothes Draco got her.A light grey long sleeved baggy shirt,Warm Black Pants,thick wool socks,Pink sweater,A Pink headband,and Pink,Grey Shoes.Hermione put on her clothes and let her hair flow on her back.She went back to Draco and saw that he had his thick black Jacket with him.They sat together at the edge of the tower in Silence,Hermione on Draco's lap with her head leaned on his chest,Draco,his arm around her waist with his head on top of hers.They sat like that for at least an Hour,till Hermione said she was hungry.They ate,talked and laughed together.When they finished they sat back into silence,Calm and Feeling Safe by the others touch.Hermione  And Draco had fallen asleep after a few hours.They Were woken up by some type of light.The Dark Mark.Hermione had taken away the Dark Mark From Draco's arm After a month of being Married.They looked up at each other in fear.They Heard McGonagall's voice "All Students Come to the Great Hall,All Students must wake up,Hurry!"They rushed,well more like Flew down to the hall,and they were the first.They split up and Students came hurrying in.McGonagall had the students under forth year take a Portkey to the Orders house's.Then in the middle of McGonagall explaining,the door burst open.Voldemort joined alongside Bellatrix Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy. Lucius had a Smirk on his face and he looked proud.His eyes first Landed on Hermione.She had already taken out her wand. "Stick to the plan"Voldemort Hissed at him. "Harry Potter"Voldemort said loudly.Hermione turned to see that Harry was behind her. "I have not come to kill you.I have now a better enemy"Voldemort looked at Hermione. "Are you sticking to a new prophecy Riddle"Hermione spoke up "It didn't end well did it"Hermione Said,reminding him of his last state. "Ms.Granger,is that a way to speak to the dark lord"Voldemort said slowly as he and his little group took a step forward.Hermione Glared at him "You Mean The dark lord who can take over the ministry but not a School"Hermione laughed "You're pretty weak Riddle,it's unbearable"Hermione Said.Lucius raised his wand,But Voldemort hit it out of his hand. "She must come unharmed Malfoy!"Voldemort snapped. Hermione was confused,What was happening.Then Bellatrix set something off,and black smoke went everywhere.Hermione felt someone grab her arm and Apparate.She had tried to get away and splinched her hand.It started bleeding a lot,She was unconscious when they had apparated to their destination.

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