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For the rest of that day, we default to Anna's idea. I learn how to play Euchre, and Go Fish. I don't ask why she keeps a deck of cards with Michael Jackson printed on the back of each card in her pocket, apparently at all times. The only card game I knew before today was poker. Anna is actually a surprisingly good teacher.

There was a lot I wanted to do to prepare for the end times as well, but, apparently, we're kinda stuck, since we have to avoid all contact with people, there's not a lot we can do. No goin' out to get materials and shit, pretty much the only thing we do is occasionally check the news on our phone. Luckily, Serina was prepared enough to bring a fair amount of food, she knew she'd be staying somewhere, and I think a part of her subconscious didn't trust Anna to pick out a conventional place. Or maybe that had nothing to do with her subconscious at all, and she just straight up didn't trust Anna to pick out a conventional place.

"Got any nines?" Anna asks, startling me out of my thoughts. "Really need some nines."

"Huh? Oh, nah, go fish." I say. I wonder if it would be possible to make a profit off this game. I suppose there wouldn't actually be much point anymore anyways.

Nothing much on the news has actually happened yet, but then, it's only about noon on the first day since the weapon was taken.

Until about three in the afternoon, we play cards and look out the window at the occasional person who'd wander past this area. There aren't a lot of them. We've moved to a room on the second floor, so there's not a lot of risk of them seeing us, and honestly, I don't think the most of them would care, by the sorts of people I see.

Then at three, we check the news again, and this time, there is actually news, real news. It claims that people all over are falling ill of a mysterious disease outbreak all over, mostly this city, but isolated cases starting all over the world.

"How did he accomplish that?" Serina asks, more to herself than to anybody else.

The news continues, listing off the symptoms. It sounds pretty much just like rabies.

"You said he was workin' with rabies, right?" I ask Serina.

"Yeah, why?" She answers.

"Won't it be pretty easily stopped by a rabies vaccine then?" I ask.

"No, no. It's been changed. Your body won't recognize it, it's mutated, a different strain. The same reason you can't be vaccinated against the common cold, because it's always a different strain of it, no one vaccine can protect against it." Serina explains.

"Alright, so you're pretty knowledgeable about this stuff, aye?" I say. An idea is forming.

"Uh, yeah, it is my job. Or was, I guess." She answers.

"Howzabout I make you my, uh" I need a job title, quick. "Officer of information" I decide.

"Your what?" She asks

"Officer of information. Your job on my little squad here." I say, explaining pretty much nothing.

"Ok, what would that actually entail?" Serina asks. Hmm. Good question.

"Uh, how about, is there any way you can find out information on exactly how this virus was mutated, so we know everything it does?" I answer. I think that's a good start.

"Well, I guess I could find his notes on the file, we're supposed to log them on our computers at work, I'd need to get into his account, from here." Serina explains.

"Oh, I might be able to help with that, I brought a laptop, and I'm pretty good with computers." Anna pipes up. "I spent a few years doing nothing but messing around with computers, so, I can give it a try."

Roommates? My Nanowrimo 2018 StoryWhere stories live. Discover now