Demon's Lute

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    You know that sick feeling you get when you know something is about to go awfully wrong, well it must be what Jang mi was feeling right this moment. The wind nipping at the back of her neck that was left exposed because of her hair do. She had to be prepared for whatever she was going to face in the coming days. Well given the fact that she hadn't joined any social gathering since she entered Wolyeongjeong, she was quite shocked when Min jae called her to one.
    It hit her like a tsunami, at once creeping up her skin and singing them alive. The tunes of an instrument, one she wasn't familiar with. It was amazing and it called to her, tugging at her heart strings. All too suddenly it stopped followed by gasps. She was in a daze how she had not seen all this people, more so what was she doing standing in from of Young Jin.
    Her eyes scanned the environment, landing on a long instrument belonging to the string family. What was it?  It was perched on Young Jin's lap, her finger tips holding what seemed too big to be a chopstick.

  "Challenge accepted" Young Jin spoke rising from the from the floor.
  "What?" Jang mi asked baffled.
Her eyes strode to Dam who sat confidently behind Young Jin, brows raised with a rather amused expression.
  "I'll play one more time, watch carefully. When I'm done you'll play too. Should you fail" A smirk danced on her lips.
    This time as she played it was faster as though summoning something. How in the stars did she expect her to pick up anything except that was the point, Jang mi bit the inners of her cheek almost drawing blood.

    Placing the stick She had used to play forcefully in her hands. The infuriating wench spoke.
  "Here, your turn".
A rush flooded Jang mi, an instinct so maddening it climbed it's way up her spine and controlled her. She threw the sticks on the floor earning glares from the crowd and hushed whispers. Dam if surprised didn't show it. If looks could kill she would be nothing but ashes from the look Young Jin was sending her way. She stalked forward to a pile of instruments at the far corner of the room. One step after the other she stilled her beating heart.
    What in the hell was she doing. She picked up one similar to Young Jin's but longer and narrower at the end. Placing it on her laps, she closed her eyes and swallowed. Her fingers twitching, a condescending smile on Young Jin's lips.
    Determined to wipe it off, she began playing with both her fingers, instinct took center stage, fire burning her bones as she played, pluck after pluck not once stopping until the fire disappeared. She blinked surprised, her heart racing as though she had ran a marathon. The air was still and suffocating yet she felt good. Dam looked shocked, so did the crowd.
   Was she really that bad?
Dam collected herself quickly, leaving the gathering as Min jaw appeared by her side and relayed a message in a whisper. Jang mi's gaze leaving Dam's flickered to Young Jin to see rage burning behind her pupils. She huffed and marched out. The air flowed again and noise gradually filled the Hall.
  "How did she do that?" A gisaeng spoke.
  "Rightly called the devil's brat" The other responded.
  "Devil's brat or not. I wished I could play for Young master like that" Another spoke.
  "This resulted in giggles
  The former swatted the girl.
"Idiot you are Ji soo ya, only the Young master is ever on your mind"
  "Oh get yourself a beau In hee ah, you need to get laid"
    The chatter continued with giggles as gisaeng left Jang mi behind. What the hell happened?


  "My Lord, I apologize for my tardiness" Dam bowed.
  "It's nothing, really" Tae responded.
    She proceeded to pour liquor in his cup.
  "Of what purpose is your coming here?" She asked once she was sure he had taken a sip.
  "Not wasting time are you Dam ah,  I'm here on royal message" Her brows peaked as she brought the cups to her lips.
  "The King's birthday is some months away and your troupe will be performing. Such good news couldn't have been sent by a messenger"
  "You honor us, your Lordship" Dam bowed.
  "You did not inquire about the girl?" She asked with feigned indifference.
  "Need I? You're taking excellent care of her"
  "Hmm" Dam nodded.
  "There was quite a ruckus upon my entry"
  "Ah,  my Lord that would be Jang mi's doing. Stunning everyone with a performance of the gayageum"
  Tae masking his surprise spoke again "She did? Well then have her lead the dance"
  "But my Lord"
  "Apologies, Dam I have to leave immediately" Tae cut her off with a smile.
    Dam clenched and unclenched her fist.
  "You heard him, Me Ryeong, make sure she's ready" She spat downing the harsh liquor.

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