To Be Or Not To Be

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Sighing Dam sat pouring herself a cup of tea. She sipped, places it down as her slender finger danced around the rim of the tea cup. Jang mi stood in the center of the room uncomfortable at the awkward silence.
   Her eyes roamed the beautiful woman that sat in front of her, dissecting her attire. Her extravagant headpiece framed her almond face. Her face painted in a way that accentuated her eyes and lips. The amount of jewelry sticking out of her headpiece was a wonder, surely the woman's neck must be throbbing. Her eyes glued to the jade rings on Dam's finger as it danced around the cups rim.

    Dam's head shot up giving a once over.

"Min jae ah" She called taking a sip of her tea again.
The doors opened to receive maidservant.
" Yes, headmistress "
"Send for Young Jin" She spoke looking at Jang mi again.

"Your name?" Dam asked between sips.
"Jang mi... Headmistress" Her tone showed she was unsure but Dam nodded all the same.
"Headmistress, it's Young Jin" A voice from outside spoke.
"Enter" Dam ordered refilling her  cup.
"You called for... " She stopped stared at Jang mi swallowed then spoke "me"
"Yes... Get Jang mi settled in and give her some decent clothing"

A wordless conversation transpired and Young Jin nodded before bowing and motioned for Jang mi to follow her.

"This way" Her face blank and unreadable.
The room was simple, a single bed that faced the window, a side table with a dull face that held no flowers on it, a mirror that appeared blurry.  It wasn't much but it wasn't a cell either.

     "Strip into these, I'll have a bath drawn for you" Young Jin spoke, leaving Jang mi with an under dress. Strip she did but it made no sense as to why she needed clothes to bathe.  Then again, nothing was making sense at the moment. Young Jin returned shortly after casting a quick glance at the folded clothing Jang mi had set aside, wanting to say something before deciding against it.
  " Follow me " She instructed not waiting to look if the girl followed or not. Folding the partition, she pushed a door hidden behind it that led to a damp room with large wooden bath tubs. Steam rising from the one they approached.

    "What are you, waiting for? " Young Jin asked exasperated.
"Your still here" Jang mi pointed out.
"I won't be leaving" Young Jin shot back getting comfortable on a stool.
"Suit yourself" She proceeded to remove her robes and settled in the tub of warm water, loosening her muscles. She scrubbed every ounce of grime and dirt she must have accumulated.
   The silence was awkward but she welcomed it. What on earth would they talk about anyway.
  "Of all places why Wolyeongjeong?"
  "I don't understand" Jang mi responded.
  "You could have been taken anywhere else" She added.
  "I'm not sure I understand you. However his Lordship thought I would be safe here"
  Young Jin burst into a bitter laugh.
  "Safe. Safe?"
  "Yes, safe".
  " Humor me" Young Jin scoffed. "In the most vicious place excluding the palace".
  Jang mi stared.
  " Good luck not getting ripped to pieces. I would watch my back if I were you". She spoke again before leaving Jang mi in the bath house. Jang mi was left to her thoughts, what exactly had she gotten herself into. Thanks to her good sense of direction she was able to find her way back to her room where she got a good night's rest.


  Two weeks had gone by and nothing eventful had happened. She hadn't heard nor seen his Lordship, she had the same old routine. Wake up, take her bathe, pretend like she didn't hear the servants whisper about having to serve her whenever they brought her meals and at night try to block out the chatters and laughter from outside. She knew the servant were right she held no place here, she was only seeking refuge. But for how long?

  Eventually, she might be asked to return home. Home? The very idea was scary if not laughable. How in the stars was she supposed to explain to them that she was dead or she thought she was dead and woke up in the middle of nowhere? She was sure to get a reaction worse than Young do's. She didn't need to be crazy.
  A voice called from outside breaking her chain of thoughts.
  "Agassi, the head mistress calls for you".
  She looked over herself patted down her hair that was pulled to a chignon and held by pins and opened the door. The girl only bowed and led her to the head mistresses' quarters.
  The light, she hadn't been outside ever since. The fresh air she welcomed, she couldn't possibly imagine being stuck in there any longer.
  "Head mistress, I've brought Jang mi" The girl announced their presence.
  "Enter" She heard the woman reply
  The servant slid the door open, Jang mi walked in. She bowed and slid it shut.
  "Sit" The woman spoke not raising her eyes to Jang mi as she poured tea and offered it to her.
   Jang mi merely stared at it.
  "Not to worry. It's not poisoned" She took a sip staring at Jang mi as she brought it to her lips.
  "Yet" An amused expression on her face as Jang mi stopped midway but drank nonetheless.
  "I've called you to discuss important matters. I have provided you with shelter, food, clothing and safety for the past two weeks" She paused to observe the girl before her.
  "And in this time you have not made mention of a wish to return to where you came from".
  Jang mi spoke this time. "You wish to know of my intentions since I'll be staying here you can no longer offer me free boarding"
  "You're quite a bright one".
  " What will you have me do?".
  "The only ones allowed to stay at the courtesan house are the servants, guest and of course the courtesans" She paused a twinkle in her eyes as she spoke.
  "However, you my dear do not fall into any of this categories. I don't do charity".
  Jang mi interrupted " But his Lordship..."
  "Yes, yes he said you could stay but it's up to me to decide what you stay as. I'm choosing to be magnanimous here" Dam casually sipped on her tea.
  Jang mi couldn't help but wish that it burnt her throat.
  "You seem like you're having a tough time deciding. It can't be that hard. Servants live a good life, they make a living but can never rise higher than what they are. True they are treated better than slaves in our troupe but their status is permanent. Courtesans are artists with fame, the finest silk, the most sparkly jewelry, the latest trends, I dare say even the queen and princess envy us.
   No one controls us"
  Jang mi sighed as she pinched herself inwardly. It was an easy choice indeed.  Her body or her body. She could work it to death or sell it to death.
  Dam spoke again "So what will it be dear, the floors or the stage"
  Jang mi swallowed hoping not to regret her decision.
  "I'll be a gisaeng"
A ghost of a smile appeared on the head mistress's lips. Was it a sign of victory.  Clattering shattered the awkward silence, a display of broken cups and spilled tea.
  Dam looked livid "Young Jin, what the hell are you doing?".

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