Part 1

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I was preparing my food for my breakfast. After a few minutes i was done eating. It's been years since i was alone on my own, i was living all myself in a apartment. My parent's leave me alone where that day i should be happy but....


"Honey, what do you want on your Birthday" my mom said, not bothering at her work. I looked at her because it is the first time mom asked me what i want i was so happy because i could get the chance to spend time with her" i wanted to spend time with you all day, tomorrow" i said happily as she look at me with a blank expression "i'll try" mom said going back to what she was doing. I was hoping she could spend time with me.

I was in my room, laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. Tears start to roll down on my cheeks, why can't she spend time with me. I was crying silently, i can't even tell her that i need her because she's the only family i have. I fell asleep due to crying, when i woke up, i remembered that today is my birthday. I was hoping mom would be her but when i got out in my room there is no one else but me, I guess she went to her work. I though this day would be my day. That day i was doing nothing but to stay at my house.
"its been weeks since my birthday. Mom is not yet home, where did she even go" i was getting worried. Tears start rolling on my cheeks. Its been month still no sign of mom thanks i have a savings and got a part time job so that i can afford the tuition for my highschool and my college

Years pass still no sign of her


Tears were welling to tear up but i have to do this. I need to be strong to live and for my future. I look at my phone, i look at the time and its"7:30!!!" i'm going to be late not on the first day of school. I quickly took my bag and dashed out of my apartment. I run through the school from my house, thank goodness that my school is not far from my house.
I was now at my school i look around and see a lot of students here guess I'm not yet late, its my first year in college. I look for the office to get my scheduled and gladly i found my classroom. I walk in and find a seat there was a beautiful lady seating alone"Hi, can i set with you?" she smliled at me sweetly but i have this weird feeling about her. "sure, take a seat" i took my seat beside her and didn't even bother her. "What is your name?" i turned to look at her and tell her my name"Y/N, and you?" she was still wearing that sweet smile of her"Alex" she said offering her hand. I took it and shake hands with her.

After talking with Alex the teacher came inside wow even our teacher is handsome but his not my type. I look over at Alex who was fangirling at his handsome face not only her but all the girls are fangirling over him. It was Recess time, me and Alex were heading to the canteen she can't get over about our teacher she kept talking about how handsome he is. As we were walking in the hallway i can see lot of boys looking at Alex.

" dude, look at Alex she's so pretty"


"And who's that girl besides her is that her friend"

"she's just being friends with Alex so she could get attention when she is with Alex"

"hahahaha, right she's not even my type dude"

"yeah i agree i much prefer Alex because she's the idealistic girl"

"she's nothing to compare with Alex"


I could even hear them back stabbing me. People now a days is so judgemental. How can even they be sure that i'm just with Alex so i could get attention. I look over at her i could tell she's enjoying what she is hearing even she is facing her back at me. I can tell why i have this weird feeling because she's a fake.

It was uncomfortable being with her all day because i could tell that she is sometimes fake and flirty to the boys and how could boys fall for her when she have a bad attitude well i guess she is good at acting. Acting like she is good and i don't like her because she's is a overacting person.

I was heading to the coffee shop were i work as a cashier. I need this job to afford my needs. Gladly that they give us a high salary and enough for my needs. I was changing into my uniform for my work. I was at the cashier taking orders of the costumers. After taking orders, another costumer came inside the shop. He was at my age he was a very good looking guy and a cute one. I was looking at him straight in the eyes and admiring how handsome he is, i didn't even know that he was calling me.

"excuse me, miss"
"MISS!" he snap his finger infront of me. I was back to my sense. I was so embrassed of doing such things like that"I'm so sorry, Sir" i bowed at him and repeatedly apologized to him"I'm so so...rry, sir"

"pftt. It's okay, no need to be to formal, just call me Jungkook" he said smiling at me wow, his smile is so cute "umm, okay. By the way what's your order, Sir"

"Jungkook, one Latte, that's all for now" he correct me and order his coffee. "You're new here" i was preparing his order when he ask me"ahh, actually yes, it's been weeks since i'm here,here is your order, Jungkook" i smile at him while handing him his order "That's much better not calling me, Sir. Well, nice to meet you. Let's see each other again okay" he winked at me and that cause me to heat up, when he noticed that i was blushing he just smile at me and took his seat.

After a few hours It's time to go home it is already 9 p.m. Jungkook leave an hour ago he meet his friend here. I was outside the coffee shop when someone tap my shoulder. I quickly turn my back to see Jungkook. "What the... I though you left already, you scared me" i said to him and gently push him. "Hahahhaha, sorry i was waiting for you" he was laughing a while ago and now his smiling sweetly at me. The word waiting for you cause my heart to beat fast. "Are you blushing" I didn't noticed that i was blushing. I look at him for a second and avoid his look " No actually" i start walking going to my home Jungkook was following me" Aren't you going home" i stopped walking and ask him" No, I'm going to take you home and look it's already late and it's not safe for you" he said looking at his watch. I couln't know why he is so nice to me "Right" i said in defeated while jungkook smiling in victory.

We both start walking. It's so awkward, no one dare to talk even Jungkook. "Hey, I actually I don't know your name. Are you gonna tell me your name?" oh right i didn't tell him my name how rude of me"Y/N" i smile at him. I could tell that he was so happy to know my name. We were walking side by side when Jungkook suddenly hold my hands and intertwine his fingers. I was taken back to his sudden action "Could i just hold your hand, i just wanted to hold you and ... Whatever just let me hold your hand" his expression is so soft he was smiling while looking our hands and look at me "okay" he hold tightly my hand and i do the same"You know, you're the first man who hold my hands and so nice to me" jungkook look at me shocked"Really, even your boyfriend don't hold your hands."

"actually i don't even have a boyfriend" i was so sad that i could not even have a love life"ohh I'm sorry, you must be lonely" being a lone it's like I'm trap in the darkness"Yeah, all alone"jungkook can see the sadness in eyes"hey, don't be sad i'll be here for you"he hold my face and he looks into my eyes. He was leaning in and i was standing their shock. I don't know what to do but just close my eye i though he was going to kiss me on the lips but i was wrong instead he kiss my forehead. I open my to see jungkook blushing"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to" i was lose of words. After a few minutes were already infront of my apartment"We're here" i said not looking at him. "You can leave now and thank you for taking me home" o was about to walk when suddenly jungkook pull me into a kiss. I don't know what to do. The kiss was so passionate and that was my first kiss. He pull away and the kiss was only last for seconds." I don't know why. We just meet today but i already like you.Y/N i love you" he pull me into a hug and i hug him back."is that your first kiss" i was embrassed, i didn't dare to look at him i buried my face into his chest and hug him tightly " silence means yes" he said "Y/N could i ask you something" i was curious what he was going to ask as i nodded to him"would you welling to be my girlfriend" i was shocked. I was not expecting he would ask something like that i do not know what to say

"Jungkook, i-".


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