Part 10

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"Hey did you lock the door?" alex said whispering crossing her hand while her two minion locking the door. "yes, we already lock the door" one of her minion said showing the key to her.

"this is great plan alex, she should learn her lesson" alex chuckle to what her minion said. "ofcource and taehyung is mine no one can steal him from me"

"speaking of taehyung both of you had already kiss, right?" her two minion giggle and alex cheeks became red.

"let's just go leave her now" they went downstairs leaving y/n at the rooftop on her own.

Taehyung P.O.V

I was with the hyungs we planned to watch a movie. We where now at the mall, jimin, rm and me were buying the ticket. While, jin, suga and j-hope buy a popcorn.

I already inform Mr. Nam to take y/n home and he said his own his way to the school. I'm so happy that jungkook wasn't here jin hyung said he went home because their was an emergency.

So, that means y/n and jungkook they are not together and i also texted y/n that Mr. Nam will take her but i got no reply from her. I think she's mad at me.

The kiss earlier was just a show to her . I don't even like alex i'm just using her for y/n. I smile secretly when i remember her face when i kissed alex. "TAEHYUNG?!!" Jimin shouted infront of me while holding both of my shoulder.

"HEY?!! don't shout at me okay?" i said. "are you crazy?!! I was calling you for how many times but you were gazing." he remove his hand on my shoulder and sigh.

"here are the ticket hold it for me now i'm going to pee" jimin said shoving me the ticket and leave. While rm standing and he looks his out of his mind. "you know taehyung you should show your love for y/n if you want her. Just like jungkook well i'm just saying okay?" he said looking straight to my eyes.

"but i don't even know how to show my love for her" i said when i remember someone that was close to me. "hey, you okay?" jin was concerned about me he and the rest came back holding the popcorn.

I nod to him telling him i'm fine. "where's jimin?" j-hope said while eating the popcorn. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop eating, give me that" jin steal the popcorn to j-hope making him pout. "jimin is in-"

"YAAHHHHH!!!!" J-hope shouted making as all shout. All the people passing by look at us weirdly. "Yah!!! You scare me" j-hope hit jimin making us all laugh.


My phone suddenly rang, i pull it in my pocket it was Mr. Nam. "yes?" i answered the phone. "y/n is not their? But i already text her that you would get her" my worried took over me. What if she's in danger my heart began to beat faster. "ok, please stay their i'm gonna call her, okay?"

I end the call with Mr. Nam and dial y/n number. "sorry the nuber you have dial is either unattended or out of coverage area"

"ehhhszzz, why isn't she answering?" i dial her number again but she wasn't answering. "hey, taehyung you okay? The show is gonna start" jin hyung said while the other is inside now. "you go first i'm just calling someone i'll follow you inside." i said waving my phone to him.

"o-okay, then here is your ticket" he gave me the ticket and went inside. Why isn't she answering my call.

Y/n P.O.V

There was still no sign of someone the door was lock the guard isn't showing in the field i guess his roaming each classroom now i hope he pass at the rooftop stairs. The sky is getting dark and it's about to rain and i forgot to bring my umbrella because the weather was fine so i was so confident that it won't rain.

My phone has still no signal. "i tried to find a signal trying every edge. "come on, come on, finally?!!!" i found a signal and i saw a dozen call coming from taehyung and a message from jungkook that he was not coming because he was on a emergency.

I dial taehyung number and at it took two ring before he could answered it.

"hello? T-taehyung? Where are you?" i was happy that i finally call somone and at the same time scared being alone make me cry.

"Y/n?!!! The hell where are you?!!"

"i'm at the school?" i tried to wipe my tears but it just come out more.

"what?!! Where at school?!!"

"i'm in the rooftop i was locked so i couldn't get out please come over now"

"okay, okay i'm coming just wait for m-" the call was cut off by the signal and i feel the drop of the rain so i place myself under the wall next to the door waiting for taehyung atleast he knows i'm here i tried to wipe my tears and to cry anymore because only pain will come at me.

The rain starts to pour and the heavy thunder could making me cuddle myself trying to comfort myself because this is my weakness the thunder. My skirt was wet already until all my clothes have been wet except for my bag since it was waterproof.


"taehyung, where are you?" i cover both of my ears and my tears start to fall again. "t-taehyung?" my whole body start to shake from fear. Until.....

Taehyung P.O.V

I was at bus now going to the school. The others know that i can't join them because something came up and Mr. Nam is at the school waiting for y/n i was trying to call him but his phone was dead. I was on my way on when i heard a heavy thunder along witha a heavy rain.

"really?!! This is the wrong timing" i sigh as i forgot to bring my umbrella. I was at the bus stop now the rain didn't stop. "tgen i have to run" i ready myself and run through the rain. It was dark gladly their was a streetlight or else i could not see anything.

Under the streetlight i see a car or should i say Mr. Nam car he was driving. I knock over the window and the window scroll down. "sir what are you doing your in the rain, please come in" Mr. Nam tried to get out of the car but i stopped him.

"please stay here, don't mind me i just need to get someone inside" i put my bag inside the car and run to the guardhouse. "b-but sir.."

"oh son, what are you doing here late at night and wet come inside" the guard said putting down his coffee. "no, i need the key to the rooftop please?!!" i beg him. "but..."

"please someone is in danger" i beg even more. "o-okay" he gave me the key and i start to run again under the rain. I reach the hallway and to the rooftop and the door was locked my hand was shaking due to the cold. But i have to do this for her.

"finally..." the door was now unlocked.

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