Part 9

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Me and jungkook was leave alone. "jung-" he cut me off and i could sense he was really disappointed. "let's talk later. Let's go to the canteen for now" his voice was calm mix with disappointment. He drag me alone with him holding my hands tightly. I feel sorry for him he was to good for me but all i can return was this.

We reach at the canteen again. The whole student in the canteen look at us and they start murmuring. "guys, over here!!" jimin shouted, they were already on their seats. We approach them and taehyung can't take off his eyes on jungkook.

I look at jungkook and they are having a starring contest. We took our seats taehyung was across at me. "okay here is your food we order it for you" jin said handing the food to us. "thank you" i said to him.

We all start to dig in, "so, tommorow is saturday, what's the plan?" jin said breaking the silence. "how about you come over to my place, what do you say?" what?!! Is he asking the guys to come over his place, what if someone followed them and tried to attack us i thought that place was a secret. I'm not saying they can't go just saying though.

"really??!!!" all of them said except jungkook, he just roll his eyes to taehyung instead. "yeah but not the total place" i sigh when he clear it was not the real place.

"yeah" he said leaning on the chair. "then that's settle tommorow we wull text you okay?" jin said finishing his food.


The bell rang signalling it is time for the afternoon class. While, all of them grunt because they didn't have time to relax themselves. "come on, let's just see each other tommorow" j-hope said standing first and the rest of us follow him.

"come on, y/n we still have classes we can go together" taehyung put his arm around me causing me to flinch a bit.  "you know what, i can drop my girlfriend in her classroom instead she come with you" jungkook pull me  over to him taking me from taehyung.
"come on let's go" jungkook drag me with him leaving taehyung behind while the others went to their classroom already.

"this is going to be rough" taehyung thought.

Jungkook and I reach my classroom. The teacher wasn't their the class was  still a mess. "go get inside now"

"jun-" i was about to say something to him when he just leave. Taehyung was walking towards our classroom but before he enter he said something to me. "having fun to your day?" he said smirking while walking to his seats while he greet alex with his cheecky smile.

What should i do now jungkook don't want to talk to me, i think his mad at me. I walk to my chair but someone stuck his/her feet out causing me to fall and a hard tud was heard.


"look at her how pathetic" i look to the owner of the voice but i was so shock to hear it from her, yes her and taehyung was playing along with her while his arms wrap around her. I stand up and dust up myself. "you know what? You don't actually fit to be jungkook girlfriend" she said crossing her hand.

"it doesn't matter, as long as we love each other no one can break us even if it's you!" i was getting annoyed tOK the both of them. The whole class keep on laughing at me. "really?!" taehyung said pulling alex closer to him.

"did you hear her babe, she said no one can break them apart" taehyung start caressing alex cheeks making her blush like a potato. "only us can break them right?" taehyung was getting closer and closer to her and their lips touch to each other. Taehyung put his right hand to her nape and his left hand was on her waist. While alex put both of her arms to taehyung kissing him more deeply.

I was so shock to what he did and the worst it was infront of me. Some part of said it is ok i have jungkook but part of me is sad mix with anger. The whole class start to make noise.


"omo she's so lucky to have taehyung, i'm jealous"

"nnoo alex is with taehyung now"

"omg i ship them"

They didn't stop kissing each other until the teacher came. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!!" the teacher yell making both of them to pull apart and catch their breath. "n-nothing teacher" alex said still catching her breath she looks still in her dream of kissing that taehyung.

"All of you, go back to your seats and you two i will let you slip for now but next time i will send tou to the office"
All of us went to our seats. I took my sit but i can't move on what happen to taehyung and alex it is bothering me. Maybe this is my worst day first i was stuck being a princess second jungkook was mad at me. And third between taehyung and alex they are bothering me.

Ahhhh why is this happening to me. I ruffle my hair due to frustration. "y/n?! Is everything okay?" i lift up my head facing the teacher and tge whole class look at me. "ah yes, i'm okay" my eyes landed on taehyung he looks very serious while alex just roll her eyes on me.

She noticed taehyung was looking at me so she grab his chin and advert it to her. She then smile at him and taehyung smile back at her. "okay, going back" the teacher continue the lesson.


The classes ended, jungkook didn't reply me or something, i think his still mad at me. I feel my phone vibrated, it was a message coming from jungkook.

"meet me at the rooftop now"

I was so happy when he texted me, i quickly place my things above not minding my classmate. I walk to the rooftop their were a few student passing in the hallway near the rooftop stairs. They were shock to see me they stop for a second and they start to walk but i could hear them murmuring about me.

I didn't bother it but to meet jungkook. I was at the rooftop now "jungkook? Jung-" i heard a loud tud coming from the door. I saw the door closed and i quickly went to the door opening it but it wasn't even opening.

"HEY!! SOMEONE PLEASE OPEN THIS DOOR!!!!" i heard no one i went to the railings to see if their were student in the field but i saw no one. The filled was already empty.

I grab my phone in my pocket. "ahhh really?!! No signal?" i tried to call jungkook but the signal was to weak.
"come on, come on" i keep on hoping that someone would open the door.

"ah messages, yes message" i message him but my load expired. "come on, just please open this door" i laid myself on the railings waiting for the help.

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