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"y/n, we have to go" i hum in respond to taehyung as they both wait for me. Jungkook and I broke up of course. He became my older brother, i can't believe my brother would be my ex-boyfriend and the worst is we've kiss.

It maybe awkward for the both of us but he promise he would do anything to build our relationship as a brother and sister.

I bid my goodbye to mother's grave before standing. Taehyung and jungkook walk infront of me but my eyes caught something suspecious.

The man wear a black jacket, he smirk which made my breath skip. I immediatly notice him and he walk behind to  the wall. "umm,  can i have a moment, please?"

"where are you going?" jungkook ask. "i remember that my friends cousin is here which is close to mine, could i visit him for a moment" i hope he would not notice it but i made it realistic.

"we're coming with you" taehyung suggested but i reject him. "no.... I won't be to long, please?" i plead hoping he would agree.

"okay,  five minutes" he look down to his watch and i didn't waste any second.

I look at the both of them if they where looking at me. But they seem to talking something serious. "hey, you actually came." he was leaning on the wall waiting for me.

"i have no choice"i said in hostile. "chill, this is my first mission to you,  if you don't do it this gun bullet will surely shot straight to your brother head" he pull out his gun showing me.

"h-how did you know?"

"tsk, remember i can hear everything"
He smirk at me which i wish i could rip it into pieces.

"now,  this is you're gonna do......"


"oppa,  let's go?" i said to the both of them they seem confused if i were refering to taehyung or jungkook.

"what?" they just shrug and went to in the car.

"how's your visit" taehyung look at the mirror while driving. "good,  i guess?" how could it be good when i'm visiting that man which is not dead but who could give death.

"y/n, taehyung said you were kidnapped yesterday" did taehyung tell him? I look over at taehyung in a 'why did you tell him' but he ignore me.

"y/n, don't blame taehyung and second we are siblings there is no secret between us, okay?" jungkook eye me, it maybe awkward between us but he seem to fulfill his promise as a brother.

"sorry,  i just don't others to worry about me." i said looking down on my feet. Suddenly a hand pat my head that belongs to jungkook.

"promise me no more secrets" i didn't notice that my tears roll down. After all this years i've never felt such love coming from a family.


"Taehyung,  you promise to me you will take care y/n if not i'll literally  kill you" oppa said threatening taehyung. Oppa just recieve a salute coming from taehyung before he could bid goodbye to us.

Taehyung drop him at the school gate and now,  taehyung and i are alone.
It was quite but i grab the chance to say it.

"taehyung, can we go to the amusement park?" he raised his one eyebrow which seem he was confused?

"so sudden why do you need to go" i make a pout and try once again. "please, oppa?  I really wanted to go" i sound cringe but i hope he say yes.

"oppa, huh? Okay then fine" he turn the wheel making our way to the amusement park.

I feel nervous should i do this but if i don't he will do something else.

"y/n, you seem anxious is there something wrong" i think he notice it but i have to.  "no,  i'm fine. I felt very nervous because it is my first time in amusement park"

"what? Then why amusement park?" so many question "then where should i go?" he chuckle at my statement. He suddenly stop the car "you mean us.  We could just go to a hotel then m......"

I immediately smack his head "pervert" then i walk out of the car.

"hey, i was just joking. Wait for me" i ignore him but a young boy stop me blocking both of his hand.

"miss,  you should wait for your boyfriend it is not good to leave your boyfriend. He will get hurt" i felt like i been lecture by a love expert.  How could he knoe this things at such a young age.

"what that.... He's not my boyfriend" i said making a what face. "miss, your denying it don't lie. Kids don't lie"

"yep,  he's true you should wait for your boyfriend. Thank you, for lecturing my stubborn yet lovely,  girlfriend." he pat the kid head and drag me inside.

"yah,  how could you lie to a kid."
I said being drag by him,  "first of all have you heard what he says kids don't lie and second it is true that we are couple now." is he crazy how could we become a couple.

"fyi,  we're not a couple." he chuckled and pull my arm. "yes,  we are a couple but not yet" his word somehow made me feel diffetent. I can't explain it but....

"i don't think so" i mumble and let go of my hand from him.

"come on,  let's go have try that one" i grab his hand and make our way to the roller coaster. "w-wait are you sure you want to ride this thing?"

"what?  Is there a problem" i look at him up and down and i get it. His afraid and shivering like a new batg puppy.

"come on, just try it" i paid for two person and hop on the roller coaster. "this is gonna be fun" i said getting excited. On the other hand taehyung seem gonna poke at anytime.

"it's okay" i hold his hand and the ride start from slow it was getting faster. I feel like my organs are going up and down.

I wasn't paying attention at the ride, i know i was scared but whe she touch my hand i feel like i have nothing to worry. I just keep looking at her not minding what's happening to my surrounding. I hold her hand back and smile at her. Taehyung thoughs

"yay, that was fun, you okay taehyung?" i ask him but it's no used to ask him. He looks really fine i thought his gonna poke after the ride.

"yeah" we tried many rides and i really have fun.

"you're having fun, aren't you?" i just give him my smile.

Taehyung P. O. V

I'm so happy that y/n's having fun. I've
never seen her smile like that. "you're having fun,  aren't you?" i aske her,she gave a smile and that was definitely cute.

"tae..." she suddenly stop infront of me. She was facing her back from me "is there something,  wrong?" i tap her shoulder.  But she didn't reply at me instead she keep looking straight.

"aniyo~ i'm fine" i was taken a back by her sudden reaction.  She seems a little bit o..."tae,  for one last time can we enter to that horror house?"

Horror house? No, no, no, no

"NO!!!!!!!!" I said inside myself.

"of course,  anything for you"

Princess | BTS ff. TaehyungxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now