Part 6

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"sigh... That was really tiring" i said while walking to jungkook. "did it tire you?" i raised both of my eyebrow at him. "yes, why?" he hold both of my hand while scaning me. "then i'm so sorry" he bow his head, holding my hand tightly.

"huh? What are you saying?" i was confused on what he is trying to say. "ummm, actually i gave a fliers to the people so that. You'll have a lot of costumers?" he said rubbing his nape. "Whhhaaatt?!!!"

"no wonder their is a lot of them" my shockness gone for a second and went to normal. I slap his shoulder making him yell in pain. "what was that for?" he ask rubbing his houlder where i hit him. "nothing?" jungkook murmured something like  what. I laugh at him his face is so ridiculous. "why are you laughing?" i can't stop laughing at him that he looks annoyed.

"you!!!!" i run before he could catch me. "come here, you!!!!" i run outside from the cafe and i didn't notice that their were a car. I look at my left side and the car was about to hit me when jungkook yell. "Y/N!!!!!!" he push me to the side while the car stop infront of the cafe revealing the driver who drove me here.

"hey, are you crazy you nearly killed my girlfriend" jungkook yell to him while holding my shoulder tightly. "jungkook, calm down his here to take me home" i pat jungkook shoulder and smile at him.

"hey, didn't you said that you live alone?" ohh i forgot to mention that jungkook know everything about me and my past. "uhmm, i'm living with my uncle now, right uncle?" the driven seem to be confused but he got my message. "ahh yes i'm his uncle and my name is Mr. Nam" he offer his hand to jungkook and jungkook grab it and shake.

"ahh, i'm so sorry about earlier" he bow to Mr. Nam. "I'm actually his bsoyfriend jungkook" he introduce his self to Mr. Nam. "Y/n we have to go now"

"ahh yes uncle, jungkook will you be fine going home alone?" i face jungkook before asking him. "ofcourse, the important is your going home safe" he  tuck few of my hair behind my ear. "then see you tommorow" i hug him tightly and he hug me back.

Jungkook pull over and kiss my forehead before entering the car. I close the door leaving jungkook alone. Then watch us leave "Miss, your boyfriend, he looks he really love you so much i could see it through his action" Mr. Nam state.

"i know and i love him so much" i said looking at the window starring in awe at the beautiful stars. "but miss... Taehyung loves you more then his self" i avert my eyes to the Mr. Nam when he mention taehyung.

"Loves me?!! Is he for real?" how can he love me when his so rude of me duhh. "I'm just telling miss"

I was getting tired and sleepy we are already in a forest but the ride will take so long i think it will consumed about 1 hour. "miss if you want to sleep you could take some rest i'll just wake you up when we arrive" he said looking at me on the mirror.

"really, okay thanks" i place my head on the window while hugging my bag. I could feel my eyes start to heavy and I went to my dreamland.

"y/n??!! Wake up" i heard a voice that was faint. "who's their?" all i could see was a man calling my name. The sun hit his back that i couln't see him better.

"it's me, hey y/n are you okay?" the voice was still unclear. The things i could hear the sound of ocean and i could feel the water hitting my feet. "hey just stay still the chopper is here just hold yourself  together" i heard him cry and i don't know why. "what's happening here?"

"please just stay with me, i can't live without you. I am begging you please. " he hold my hand tightly bringing close to his face. The voice are somehow clear now but his voice was familiar.

"jungkook is that you?"

Taehyung.P.O V

I went home early, the party was getting boring so i decided to come home early and Ms. Lee said that the driver went to take y/n it was about one hour now. I think they are almost here.

I heard the gate open and speaking of them, they are here. I went out the house and meet them infront of the door. Mr. Nam was the first to come out "where is y/n?" i ask him because y/n didn't come out. "about that sir, she's asleep inside the car"

"really?" i sigh and walk over the car to get here "you can rest now thank you i'll just take care of her" he then went inside while i open the back door, only to see a sleeping y/n hugging his bag on the seat. I let half of my body in while I analyze her face she looks really tired and she seems sad.

"i know your trying to find your mother but for you i will do anything to find her. Just for you to be happy" i've already assign someone to find her mom according to the document. Her mother leave her at her birthday since then she learned to work for herself.

I carry her out of the car and carry her bag with me. She is so light "are you eating well? you look like you don't. Your boyfriend is no use how can he not notice that your thin" we were at the stairs when he mention jungkook's name.


She look like she's having a dream of jungkook but it somehow boil my blood hearing that jungkook. I took her to her room and cast her from the bed making her awake.

Y/n P.O.V

I was having a dream when i sauddenly mention jungkook name and i feel i was thrown away by someone causing me to awake.

"what the.....??" the only person who would throw me is taehyung nothing else because he ia the only one here. "HEEEYYYY, WHY DID YOU CAST ME AWAY, CAN YOU ATLEAST JUST PUT ME SLOWLY??!!" this man should learn his lesson, i was getting annoyed about him.

"SSSHHHHUUUTT UP!!!! Will you?!!" ohh did i pissed him off? I ask myself. Shutting up my mouth. "it was better than throwing you outside or do you want it?" he ask me.

I shake my head as no "but still don't throw me away, will you?!!" he look at me intensely ".....and...." i can't finish my sentence when he grab my shoulder pinning me on the soft bed hovering me. "Taehyung w-what are you doing, hey get off on me" i tried to break free fron him but i can't.

"shut up!! If you don't shut your mouth i'll.."

"you'll what?" he didn't replied instead he look into my eyes and to my lips.

"or i'll kiss you"

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