Chapter 1: Moving Forward

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Levi's POV

My knuckles rapped on her front door- quite rapidly. A low growl began to purr in my throat as I kept waiting for her. It was the first year in high school, and I can't believe I was still friends with this... geek. But I guess, this couldn't have been helped...

"Hanji! Are you almost done?" I continued to growl.

Loud footsteps were gradually getting louder behind the door. I nearly jumped when the door suddenly opened. Unexpectedly, it wasn't Hanji. It was her mother. She gave that weird smile that Hanji had- and she laughed softly. "Ah, Levi. As per usual, waiting for my daughter?"

"If she would actually get up in time." I scoffed, looking outside.

"You know what you remind me of, Levi?"

"What, Mrs. Zoe?" I looked up to her, wondering who I reminded her of. I'm more or less the only friend that can tolerate the insanity of Hanji freaking Zoe. Everyone else would just disappear from Hanji's list of friends. I'm the one who stayed since 6 years old and still stays with her currently.

Mrs. Zoe chuckled, looking behind her for a sign of Hanji's presence. "Well.. you remind me somewhat of a boyfriend. You sure you two aren't dating?"

I felt like chocking on just about anything. Dating? Us two? That thought never crossed my mind. "D-Dating, Mrs. Zoe? Not possible."

"Is that so? You guys just seem like a couple. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you two suddenly go out. Oh, hello, sweetheart."

Sweetheart... Hanji's nickname. I turned to see her tumble down the stairs. Once more, her messy brown hair was in that... ugly ponytail. Even from this distance, I can tell her glasses were smudged with her fingerprints. Her clothes- a brown skirt that went up to her knees and a yellow blouse. I rolled my eyes... and I couldn't stand watching her anymore.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Levi!" She pants as she almost trips out of the house. I scoffed when I caught her and helped adjust her back onto her feet. "Hah, always helping the clumsy, Levi." She chuckles. She then turns back to her mother, waving away. "Bye, Mom!"

Mrs. Zoe waves back, smiling. "Bye, sweetheart." And she walked back inside the house.

"So!" Hanji's heavy weight fell onto my left shoulder- and I nearly collapsed to the ground because of it. "Ready for high school? Bottom of the food chain-"

"Bring that up to me one more time... I'm gonna take those stinking glasses of yours and toss them in their rightful place: the trash." I growled, quickening my pace.

Surprisingly, Hanji stayed silent. I knew I couldn't count on her to stay silent during the whole walk to school. She was a well-known extrovert. And me? I'm an introverted boy that, for some reason, stays with the one extrovert that would expose me quicker than a hummingbird's wings taking flight. 3... 2... 1-

"Hope we're sharing classes. After all, we're in the same year- we should have some sort of overlapping classes-"



"Moment's over." I smirked, sprinting about half a block away from her. 

I left her behind in my dust- I heard her shouting at me at how unfair it was. The one thing you should know about Hanji Zoe: never get her angry. Yes, I know it's not nice of me to leave her alone- but I don't care. Then again, she was my only friend in this... hell-hole? I never really liked school that much. So, I stopped at the end of the block- trying to breathe calmly to catch it back.

She was never much of a runner, so she sped-walk towards me. Fire of furry began to fill her hazel eyes. "Levi Ackerman!"

Smirks kept attacking my face the whole entire time as I saw her light up red. "What is it, four-eyes?"

"You left me behind!"

"Better keep up with me in P.E. and not just academics. You need your physical needs too. And besides, you walk slow. Hanji, you need to catch up to me."

Under Hanji's breath, I swear I heard something along the lines of: "Maybe you should keep up in academics and not get low scores."

"Excuse me?" I began to growl towards her. "Hanji, what did you say to me?"

"Nothing, Levi." She sighed and began to walk off. "It's nothing."

"Oh really?" I quickly ran out towards her- cutting her off. "If it's nothing, then why are you bothered to talk to me about that? Huh? Hanji?" My hand gently pushed her shoulder. "Talk to me."


"Is something wrong?" A deep voice- sounded older than a normal high schooler- came from behind us. When I turned to see who it was, it was a guy that was taller than both of us. His blond hair and a bit of an undercut- as well as his blue eyes... I could tell that he was some older kid. "Ma'am, was he bothering you?"

I began to roll my eyes at him. "Oh, being such a gentleman to her? What are you, a robot?"

The guy chuckled softly with amusement. "I'm pretty sure my name is Erwin Smith." I saw his eyes shift from me to Hanji. He gave that weird smile towards her, "And... what's yours?"

"Hanji. Hanji Zoe." Something was wrong... her voice... sounded shaky. It's not normal for this extrovert to feel... uncomfortable. Let's see... she's clearly an extrovert, she loves babbling things to people, and she loves being a nerd just about everything. The only thing that I could think about that would make her so... uncomfortable... are you kidding me? "What are you? A freshman?"

This Erwin guy... he took a step closer to Hanji- almost like he was brushing himself around her. "Actually... I'm a sophomore. I'm guessing you're a freshman?"

"You guessed correctly." She chuckled softly... and I couldn't handle it.

"We're gonna be late for class, Hanji." I growled, firmly grabbing Hanji's arm and tugged her away from Erwin. "Come on."

"Don't let him push you around like that, Hanji. You are your own person, you know. Don't let this small man control you like that. Understand?"

This man... seriously? I growled and kept tugging on her arm. "Hanji, come on."

She shot a deadly stare at me, and I knew I was at the edge. "Levi, just leave me... please." At that point, I felt my trust with her broke. She was deciding to spend time with this-

I nodded, sighing heavily and I walked away. "Goodbye, Hanji." 

For some reason, for every step I took away from those two, the more I kept turning back to look at them. Did I really just lose Hanji right then and there? I got to admit, I do miss her small blabbering. Even if it was really annoying, it was nice to know I had someone there with me. Now, I had no one.

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