Three - After school

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Kyle’s POV

I sighed, sat on my bed with my laptop on my lap, writing up an assignment. I was nearly finished. I opened up the window to get some fresh air, smirking to myself softly, as I lent my arms and upper body hunched over the window slightly.
Suddenly a dumbass thought came into my head, Stan had the courage to nearly kill himself; Could I?
I widen my eyes in horror of that thought, shutting them tight and pulling my green hat over my head.

“I just need to get some sleep…” I tell myself, shutting off my laptop and soon cozzying myself in bed. It takes me a while to get to sleep but I fall asleep eventually, I always do… but not until after the bad thoughts hit me…

Finally, it's Friday, I honestly thought this tedious week would never end…
“Bubbah, are you up? You'll be late for the bus?” mom called, a soft knock against the door.
“Yeah!” I called back, tying up the laces on my shoes. “But I'm actually going to walk this morning.
“Okay, don't be late…” she hummed, walking back downstairs.
I forced a smile, staring into the mirror, lying to myself. “Today will be good…” Shortly after that, I left for school.

“Hey!” Craig yelled as I walked towards the school. I turned my head slightly to face him, giving him as best a smile I could. “Hey…” I quietly spoke, carrying on into school.
I stopped to say Hi to Butters, his name was Leopold but we all stuck to Butters.
“Butters” I faked him a smile, raiding a hand to wave to him. He was looking more girly than ever, cloths wise. I don't really know when this happened. Butter was perculeuar.
“Hey Kyle” he smiled a bubbly smile as usual, itching the back of his neck.
I took some books out of my locker, we were sort of locker buddies.
Maybe I should offer Butters to see if he wants to come to the carnival with us.

“Hey Butters…” I muttered, closing my locker.
“Yeah?” He turned to face me, continuing to smile.
“This weekend, me and Stan are going to the carnival, wanna come? We invited Cartman and Kenny but neither of them can make it…”
I noticed Butters tense up slightly, was that fatty using Butters again?
“Sorry, I can't make it…” Butters quietly stated, soon running off.
What was up with him?

Stan's POV

“Hey mom, I'm gonna go see Kyle again, is that okay?” I ask, tying my laces.
“Sure, you can bring him back round after, if you like”
I nod and soon take my leave.

On my way up to the school, people were already leaving, I hope Kyle hasn't left yet…

I sighed softly, leaning against the sign post beside the school.
Craig and Tweak walk past. “Hey dude” Craig says as they stop.
“Oh, hey” I sigh, looking up at both of them. “Is Kyle still inside?”
“Yeah, probably…” Craig shrugged, placing an arm around Tweaks shoulder. His excuse was usually 'I do whatever I want' I think it irritated him when people would ask questions about him and Tweak.
“He probably won't be long but Clyde is at him again…”
“Clyde?” I ask confused.
“C-Clyde keeps p-picking on others” Tweak stuttered and twitched.
Before they could say anything more, I stood up and headed inside.

I saw Clyde push Kyle against the locker then walk away.
“Ky!” I yelled quietly, rushing over. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah… I'm fine…” he replied, swinging his bag over his shoulder. “Let's go…”
I nod and just follow.

When we get to the end of the road, I stop him. “So, no Fatass today?” I ask, sighing softly.
“It's Friday.” was all I got of a response out of him.
“Do you wanna come back to mine?” I then ask.
“Sure…” he muttered with a sigh.

I was glad he agreed to come back…

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