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Stan’s POV

I woke up, my head hurting. I remember drinking quite a fair bit last night.
I sat up, soon realising, this is Kyle’s room… he wasn't next to me though.

Shit… What the fuck happened?

“Stan, if you're awake and still up there, come down for breakfast!” I heard Kyle yell from downstairs. I stood up, picking up my jacket off the floor, hat too.
I held my head as I made my way to the door and then downstairs.

I broke up with Kyle because I wanted him to be happy but at the same time, I just want him to be with me…

I reached the bottom of the stairs, Kyle stood there, holding a plate of pancakes; three neatly stacked with syrup drizzled on top. He handed me the plate, saying “Go and sit doen”
He sounded a little mad.

I went and sat at the table like he'd said, he soon came over and sat opposite me. I was quick to eat up the pancakes and said “They’re so good!”
“Good.” he bluntly replied.
“Are you mad–?” I then asked.
“Yes” he instantly replied.
“Do you remember what happened last night…?” I asked, soon noticing something on his shoulders, widening my eyes just a little.
“Mind enlightening me…?” I stretched, rubbing my shoulder a little, specifically mirroring the spot where I'd left a hickey.
“We kissed…” Kyle spoke quietly, looking away.
I cleared my throat. “H-have you looked in the mirror today?” I asked, still rubbing my shoulder.
“No, why?” he looked at me, tilting his head.
“I just really think you should…”
“Fine…” Kyle grumbled, heading upstairs to the bathroom.
I waited for him to come back down, just sat and looking around.

I heard Kyle scream then he soon came back down, his face completely red.
I couldn't stop grinning to myself.
“You think this is funny?!” Kyle glared at me.
“N-no way… it's just that it's proof that lasdt night happened…” I muttered “-And that I gave that to you”
“We were drunk! I need to get rid of it!” he was panicking.
“I mean by all means, try…” I smirked a little, he was so cute.
“Agh!” he yelled. “Stan just go to school, I'll catch up when I've figured something out!” he then added.

I ended up leaving as he said, though I didn't really want to. I had to get home for my stuff and then left for school.

I met up with Kenny and and David… we made cakes, it wasn't as fun without Kyle there, in fact he never bothered showing up like he said he would…

It was my fault… wasn't it?


Kyle's POV

“So I lied to Stan, so what?” I asked. I was on the phone with Kenny, he was asking why I didn't go in to school.
“But why?” Kenny asked.
“B-because…” I could feel my face heating up.
“Because why?”
“Something weird happened last night…” I bit my lip. “That’s why!”
“Alright then” Kenny chuckled. “But you're going to the schools party tomorrow, right?”
“Of course!” I yelled before hanging up.
Why does it even matter to Kenny what happens to me?

I went into the kitchen and made myself a sandwich, thinking about what I could do. I ended up putting a plaster over it though it was probably just really obvious. I went and sat down, staring at my phone. I ended up bringing my knees up to my chest, burying my face. “God damn it Stan…” I say to myself.
I still love him. But what about David…?

I picked up my phone again and nervously phoned David.
“Hey Kyle” he answered. “You didn't come into school today, were you okay?”
I sighed softly. “I’m okay now… can I come round?”
“Of course!” David replied.
“Thanks, I love you… I'll see you in a bit…”
“I love you too, see ya” David said before hanging up.

I picked up my jacket and put on my shoes, leaving. The only thing I took with me was my phone. When I got there, David was smiling and waiting out front for me.
We soon headed inside.
“David, I have to tell you something…” I sigh.
“Please don't…” David spoke softly, gently taking my hands. “If you feel that you have to tell me something and it's out of guilt then please just keep it to yourself, I don't mind…” he leaned in, placing his forehead against mine.
I smiled a little, hugging him.
“C’mon…” he soon whispered, walking me up to his room and turning on the TV. We watched that show Craig always bangs on about, red racer. We watched it until it got pretty late. I still felt pretty bad and, well, unsure on what to think.
“Kyle, do you wanna just spend the night? I don't mind…” he tried to reassure me with a smile.
I nodded. “Sure…”
“So, why didn't you come in?” David asked.
“Well… I uh, I had an argument with Stan…” it was partly true I guess, I was mad with him after all.
“I see…” David frowned a little, hugging me. “I know what I have to do…” he mumbled.
“What?” I asked, looking up.
“Nothing, d-don't worry” David chuckled a little, holding me close

I wonder what he was talking about.


So the next chapter could very well be the last one. I may or may not do bonus chapters, it depends how much I fit in the next chapter

Thanks for reading so far, even though we're pretty much at the end anyway! >U<

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