The begging of the end

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I was flying through the air, I let out my arm and let in the the sweet scent of honey. I was holding the quaffle, being chased towards the goal. Quidditch is the best sport by far. I closed my eyes and let the scent kiss my cheeks. I heard a whoosh and I got hit in the chest. A bludger! I should have been looking! Clutching onto the broom, I noticed a boy in the Slytherin crowd smiling. Draco Malfoy. One of my best friends, Harry Potter's enemy. No wonder he only has 2 brainless apes as friends, I thought, not even a cockroach would wanna be his friend. I looked down and noticed how high I was. I COULD DIE!
"JAKOB!" I heard Lily call from the crowd. I was slipping. I let go.
I was falling down, into the obis of death. The wind brushing through my beep brown hair. Sadly, I got my uncles looks. You know He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Voldemort! Anyway I could think of only one way to get out of this. Transform.
My arms turned into deep red feathers, my mouth into a beak. I coughed fire and fully transformed into a Phoenix. I flew up and did laps around the field. The whole crowd cheering, Harry cheering with them. I could see Malfoy gapping and I laughed to myself. As the entire other team was distracted, Harry grabbed the snitch. The Gryffindors cheered. I swooped up and turned into fire, making the whole crowd cheer. I fell to the ground as myself and was bombarded by the crowd, congratulating Harry. I laughed, classic. I'm not supposed to want the Gryffindor's to win, but whatever. I ran back to the dungeons, to the Slytherin common rooms. I went into my room and came into contact with the one, the only, Draco Malfoy! Yay what joy!
"What do you want Malfoy?" I said.
"We are roommates. This is my room too!" he said.
"Whatever." I said and rolled my eyes. I walked over to my owl, Witherwings, and pulled off the letter on her leg. It was from my sister.

Hi Jakob,
Well I'm at home, eating rats, you know as you do, and this boy from down the road waved at me. Through the window! It was a bit weird, but I waved back. I opened my window and rolled out onto the grass and said Hi. He said Hi back and we started talking. I don't know his name because when I asked he said "just think of me as a friend". That was a bit weird, but I let it go because I haven't had a friend since I was born! I mean other than you! We hung out on the swings, in the park, and talked about life. He listened to me when I talked about Aunt Bellatrix. He locked concerned and he asked me what I'm gonna do about.
"Nothing. I can't do anything. I don't have any power" I sighed. He grabbed my hand and took me to a newsagents.
"Hi Harley. Can I have a sandwich" I was still staring at my feet.
"I mean what's stopping you from having one. You are a able too"  she laughed. "Ok I'm kidding. Here ya go kiddo!" I looked up and saw someone that looked a bit like Harley Quinn. She had brown hair with a green and red streak in her hair. It was cool.
"Hiya kid. I'm Harley. Harley Lupin!" She smiled.
"I'm Jennie." The boy passed me the sandwich and I took a bite into it!
IT WAS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER HAD!! they were looking at me like I was mad! Lol
Anyway that was my Spring holidays. How were yours?

Love u Plumball

P.s I still don't see why I have to send you this by owl. Can in send it through the post box?

I laughed. She really gets excited. Draco looked over my shoulder and read the first sentence. He walks over to his bed and laughed.
"Looks like your lil sis has a crush" He laughed.
"Well at least it's not you!" I snarled.
"DRACO!" I shouted.
"I went home for the holidays and I saw a girl, in her basement, eating a rat. And I waved. I didn't realize that was illegal!" He laughed awkwardly.
"Boys don't fight." Snape glided down the staircase. "Wasn't your act too distracting to your team?"
"Sir I got hit off my broom and was about to die what else was I gonna do." I stormed past him into the corridor. I HATE my house! Everyone in it are jerks! I went into the closest door I could find and started ranting about all the other Slytherin's. I don't care who can hear me! I heard concrete scraping. I was right! Lily thought it was just a myth but it wasn't! I stepped into the Chamber of secrets...

Harry Potter fan fiction: Jennie Black and the Auror's secretWhere stories live. Discover now