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We all preach about the same shit
I might as well have a pulpit
With one hand on the bible
The other hand gripping against the wood like I am about to fall
I don't trust anybody with their handout
Not sure if there hands out looking for a handout
Or to help pull me up
And honestly
I'd rather fall than be used for someone else's agenda
But I guess I don't got a choice
They say the system is broken but that is how it was built
With cracks that will never be sealed
Holes in the drywall but to small to be able to see the other side
But we can stick our finger through and point
We decided to blame society
But forget we are society
Notice how no one likes to be put in a group judgidly
Why do it to others
Treat them how you wanna be treated
But that never works
So we treat how we are being treated
See, we are just a treat and the government watching us hate each other just pleases their sweethtooth
By now, you'd think they'd have cavities
But crooked teeth is not acceptable
And that wouldn't fit in the word "perfect"
Which we all like to compare ourselves too
You can call us perfectionists
So much so we change our bodies as we see fit to fit in an image of someone else's point of view behind a computer screen
We follow celebrities footsteps until they've walked into a dead end
Then we just change shoes
Not fully understanding the meaning behind wearing the shoe on the other foot
See, we just constantly agree with each other how are we not on the same page yet
Because we are judging books by their covers
Judging people by the chapter they are on
If dreams are meant for dreams
Let me sleep
Let me stay in bed all day
Not because I am lazy
But because I am trying to avoid pillow talk
Because with my eyes closed I see the world as a better place
Because with my eyes closed the world doesn't seem as dark

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