Chapter 3: Finding Out

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Hermione's p.o.v

The next day, I woke up surprisingly early. I looked to my right and saw Madison still sleeping. Since today we're leaving for Christmas break, I decided to play a little trick on her.

I summoned a bucket and some strings, and got up. I tied one end of the string to the bucket handle, and the other side gently around her index finger. I then filled the bucket with water and quietly placed it in top of her bed. Then I woke her up.

"Madi! Madi! Mad! Wake up! We're leaving for Christmas break today!" I shouted will jumping up and down on her bed.

As I expected, she woke up happily- well not for long. When she woke up,  she moved her hand, causing the bucket to fall on top of her head will spraying water everywhere.

" AGHGHHHHHHH!!! HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER! WHAT DO YOU CALL THIS?" she shouts at me,  it I'm not surprised she would to this. In fact, I knew she would do this.

"Fun!" I tell her. "I call this fun!"

Suddenly she starts chasing me around the dorm and into the common room. There were a few people who were awake, and three of them were Ginny, Harry and Ron.

"What the bloody hell do you guys think your doing?" Ginny screams at us. We both freeze, but then I go over to her.

"Oh Gin," I tell her, trying not to laugh."are you our new mother?"

"Do I look like your motheryou fool?" she asks me angrily.


"Well then stop."

"Yes mother," I tell her mockingly. Then I turned to Madison. "C'mon Madi, let's go get changed so we can go to breakfast."

"Ok," she answers back.

After changing, we went down to breakfast, to where our best friends were sitting. At the corner of my eye, I see Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini staring at me. I glare at them, which makes them go back to their food, while start to eat mine.

When I'm done me Ginny and Madi go to our dorms to double check our trunks.

A few hours later.

I was at home when my muggle parents tell me they have to go to their offices for some paperwork.

"Will you be ok alone honey, or should we take you with us," my mom asks me for the millionth time today.

"I'm fine, mom, really," I reply.

"Ok, then. Goodbye honey,"

"Goodbye mother,"

As soon as my mother and father left I went up to my room, only to come back down when the doorbell rings.

As I open the door, someone talks to me:" Good afternoon, Hermione," the women said.  Beside the women was Blaise Zabini, the best friend of the one and only Draco Malfoy.

"Zabini, what brings you here to the muggle world?" I ask him, a little bit scared.

"Well, my mother and I have some news for you," he told me.

"Yes. Yes, we do." she told me.

"Well then I guess you should come inside," I tell them, stepping away from the door.

"Ooh, you have very nice manners, doesn't she, Blaise?" she tells her son. "you should learn from her,"

"Mother," he nagged slightly, embarrassed. I started laughing as I thought this was funny, and he sent me a weak smile.

"So, Hermione, " she started" those muggles aren't your real parents, I am."

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