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Hermione's p.o.v

When we got back to Hogwarts, after the feast, Dumbledork told us about The Triwizard Tournament, and the age limit. At once, everyone, under the age of seventeen, started shouting and booing.

"Silence," the dork shouted, causing everyone to shut up. "However, we can bend the rules a bit, and apart from the three champions, one from every school, there will be one child allowed in the tournament!"
After hearing this, everyone started taking excitedly with the people near them.
I looked over at Balise who was beside Malfoy, and smirked. They were both taken back by this, but smirked back. As soon as I turned away, Ginny gave me a confused look.

"WHY were you smirking at Zabini and Malfoy?" She asked, a little too loudly for my liking.

"Well mother, I can do whatever I want, so you can't boss me around," I told her, annoyed. " anyways, do you guys wanna enter?"

Ron replies with a:" definitely"

While Maddison replies with a :" No way, too dangerous for me,"

I rolled my eyes at her ; I was used to this. She didnt like to do anything adventurous, which is is the total opposite of me. I said we should fight the troll in our first year. I went down the chamber of secrets the first, even before Lockhart. In our third year, which was last year, I protected everyone from Lupin when he was a werewolf.
When I looked at Harry, I could see him looking at Ginny intensely.
I'll ask him later I thought.

Just then, Dumbledore spoke up again:" To determine who is gonna be the forth champion, there is gonna be a dueling championship. Two people against each other. Every time someone will be eliminated. At the very end, the winner will be the forth champion. Anyone from the age of eleven to sixteen can participate, since 11 is the youngest and 17 and over are allowed to enter their name in the Goblet Of Fire,"

"Headmaster, why should kids who are 11 enter? Aren't they too young? " professor McGonagll asked."

"No no they will be fine. That's why there is a dueling championship. To prove yourself strong, defensive, and you know what your doing," he answered back."Anyways if you want to put your name in the cup, and your 17 or older, feel free to. However, if you are younger, and want to participate in the dueling championship, come to the great hall at 4 o' clock tomorrow. Now, goodnight everyone!"

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