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-Jisung's P.O.V-
I was finally moving out of my parent's house. I will live alone, cook for myself, wash clothes, dishes... I would be finally a full adult.

I found online a pretty nice apartment very very cheap, it was almost unbelievable.

"So are you finally moving out?" asked Seungmin

"Yea, tomorrow"

"Do you need any help? I can ask Jeongin help us too"

"Yea, that will be great, thank you Seungmin :)"

-Minho's P.O.V-
"Don't you think it would be a prank? I mean, an apartment like that isn't that cheap. Maybe they will give you the apartment empty hahah" said a girl

"Kayla stop, don't make me regret that I buy it hahah"

"Sure baby, I'm sorry, you know that I love you ♡"

"And I love you too ♡"

Then Minho kissed the girl

"I am so sad that I won't see you so often uff" said the girl making a cute squishy face "Why do you need to move?"

"Cause I need to baby, don't worry, you can come to my place whenever you want :)"

"Hm fine" said the girl with a sad face "When do you move out?"


-tomorrow morning-
"And there is the last box" said Seungmin "This apartment is really nice, really really nice"

"If it wasn't you, I would probably buy it in the future hahah" said Jeongin

"Thank you guys" I said with a smile on my face "Do you wanna stay and drink something?"

"No, I gotta be home, probably my mom is already mad that I stayed overnight at Hyunjin without telling her" said Jeongin

"Yea, I can't either. Sorry"

"It's ok. Wait.. Jeongin, did you stayed overnight at HYUNJIN?" I said confused

"Yea long story, I will tell you next time, bye hyung"

"Bye bye"

So I finally had my own house, that is crazy.
I heard then the door opening.

"Seungmin? Jeongin?" I said thinking they came back
But it wasn't them

"What are you doing in my house?" said the stranger

"Your house? Excuse me, I just rent this apartment

"Me too" said he confused "Get out, this is my house" said he showing the key

"No, it's my house" I said showing him my key

"What the fuck is happening," said the handsome person

Omg that was Minho

"What's your name?" Said he

"Jisung, Han Jisung. And yours is Lee Minho, right?"


"I follow you on Instagram"

"Oh cool"

"Now let's talk with the administrator and see what it's going on"

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