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-Minho's P.O.V-
I woke up in a strange room, I looked around and saw Jisung beside me cuddling a pillow. Cute

I remembered the talk we had last night, ah.. I can't believe that I told him everything that happened with my mom... But he is kinda right, what she did wasn't very nice (SAY THE NAME)

I have to take his advice and stop doing all my mom says, and contacting Felix.. I really miss him.

"M'Morning.." Jisung said with a sleepy voice "Ah.. S-Sorry.. We've falled asleep last night, you don't mind, right?"

"It's ok." I said stooding up and going to the kitchen, with Jisung following me behind. I opened the fridge and took two milk puddings "Here" I said as I gave him one making my way to the living room.

"Didn't you had school today?" I asked him while eating

"Yeah.. I do."

"Are you skipping classes?" I asked him ironically

"Hey! It isn't my fault that I didn't woke up earlier!"

"So it's mine?" I asked annoyed

"I didn't said that"

"You didn't denied it either!"

"We-Well... It's our both fault, done"


We sat in awkward silence until my phone ranged

Bae 💕

Hey, how are you?


Mhm.. What?

I can't believe..

What happened Kayla?

Didn't you forgot something?

Aah.. What?

Minho, we had to meet yesterday at my place.. Did you forgot?

Aaaahh.. Sorrryy, I really forgott. We can meet today-

My place, now.

She hang up without any 'love you' or even 'bye'

"Did something happened?" Jisung asked confused

"Ah.. N-Not really.. I think she's just mad at me"

"Hah, what did you do?"

"I forgot that we had to meet yesterday"

"Uh, that sucks. You better go at her now"


"Hi babe, what happened?"

"Minho, come in please" She said inviting me in

"Sure" I leaned to kiss her cheek but she refused me turning her head back

".. So, what did you wanted to tell me?"



"We have to break up" She said without any emotions

"Mhm? What?" I asked confused

"This.. isn't working anymore.. sorry"


"Sorry Minho.." She said and went to another room letting me alone in her living room.

'She just broke up with me.. But, I don't understand why? We were like the perfect couple. What happened?
Through.. I don't feel hurt at all.'
I thought a little bit and then left her apartment going where I saw with eyes

Calling Woojin



That's my name

She just broke up with me



Oh.. why?

I don't know.. but.. I don't feel hurt at all.. why?

Maybe because you didn't loved her?

What are you talking about? Of course I loved her

Are you sure?

Yeah.. I mean, YES!

I thought you didn't wanted to talk with me anymore

Wha- Why? Oh.. Y-Yeah.. sorry about that, I didn't mean to. Are we ok please?

You didn't want to?


You literally just-!.. Ugh.. doesn't matter, we are ok, I forgive your idiot ass

Thank you Woojinnie ♡

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