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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy my story!

Well.. all characters need a backstory, so here's yours!

You are a young mysterious changeling that was taken in by Trollmarket. You see, there was a time when Vendel felt sympathy for changelings and for creatures alike. He knew they were slaves to Gunmar and his tribe, therefore he wished to save them - and so his wish came true. 

He found you, a little baby changeling wrapped in a silky white blanket. He noticed you outside of trollmarket, underneath the bridge. Trollmarket became your home, and the trolls became your family, especially one troll in particular: Draal. You were pretty sure he had feelings for you growing up, but you were never sure of it. If someone were to tell you he still liked you now, you would cry in laughter. He was your best friend. 

There's another thing about you that is very obvious. You have powers! That's right. You can create portals with your hands, move objects with your mind and you can sense a presence (Sounds a bit like Claire right? I'll explain her at the end.) You used this to your advantage while fighting and it obviously was useful. You could take on anyone in Trollmarket and you were proud of that.

 However, there's one more thing that has bothered you your whole life. You've never had parents, well you did because you were left outside Trollmarket, but you never knew them.  You wish to know who they are and will not stop until you find out.

Backstory over.

Okay so about Claire, she isn't in this story. I'm sorry but if you love Claire and want to see a story with her in it you should probably look for a different story. The reason why is because it would interfere with the story A LOT.

Okay, we can start with the story now, enjoy!

Jim Lake X Reader | TrollhuntersWhere stories live. Discover now