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'What was that all about?' I said, once the mist cleared

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'What was that all about?' I said, once the mist cleared.

We were in a room, quite different from the grey streets. The room was coloured in bright blue with touches of floral motifs in gold on the walls.

It was definitely a girl's room as everything was in its place. It was grand to say the least and the fragrance of unknown flowers floated everywhere. This kind of place existing with so bleak a world outside was almost like a dream.

'Hey, hello, where are you lost?' Claramay waved her hands in front of my face in frustration, 'Why don't you have a bit of self control? You men are all of the same kind.'

'What is this place?' I was still in a daze.

'This is my room in the palace and I just teleported you in, snuck you in, rather. If anybody gets to know, then I'm so dead.'

'Why did you bring me here then? We were supposed to find Poppy...'

'Not after the stunt you pulled back there,' she cut me midway. 'You almost fell prey to her charms and let her take control. Don't you have a little bit of reign on your emotions? This is just not done... '

'Wait, wait.... What are you talking about? '

'As if you don't know. What were you doing with Garnet again? '

'You left me, so I was going to search for Poppy. She found me and then...'


'Then, then...' surprisingly I couldn't remember a single thing what happened after that. It was as if a cloud was fogging my memory. It was like a wall — an unyielding wall that I was pushing against.

'Can't remember right?'

I nodded simply, still confused at the sudden amnesia.

'She always does that with her preys. There are a few she enjoys killing, so they hardly seem to remember where they were or with whom they were.' she started pacing around the room.

'I can't understand...'

'Oh why did you have to do something like that?' she flipped back, in a way which shocked me and took long strides till she was right bin front of me. She grabbed my collar in her fury and started shaking me.

'What if something had happened to you?'

'Why would you care?' I whispered, 'What would it matter to you if something happened to me?'

She left my collar as if scalded.

She gazed at me with those cobalt eyes for a second, trying to look into my soul.

I had nothing to hide. My soul was laid bare before her to speak out.

A smile formed on her face. The smile had the entire mockery of the world in it, 'You wouldn't understand.'

'I wouldn't understand what?'

'Emotions, fine emotions. Men can't seem to fathom them. They are always after beauty, lust, sexual satisfaction and everything material. Feelings come secondary to them. I know the moment I leave you, you'll run back to Garnet, because you need a girl. Either this or that. However vile she maybe, even if she kills you, you'll always go to her.' she slumped on the bed.

I stood there like a fool, not knowing what to say.

Was she really having feelings for me?

Did she also love me?

Then why didn't she tell me?

Maybe that's her nature.

But at this point, standing in the precipice of a decision, I was faced with the reality. I couldn't let love distract me anymore. I had a mission at hand which needed to be accomplished.

'Poppy, I assure you that there is nothing about Garnet. I don't know why you hate her but believe me, I have no feelings for her. It's just the beauty that attracts me....'

'Like a moth to the flame,' she added. 'Go burn yourself in them and die. I won't rescue you the second time. You deserve it if you can't keep your stupid male hormones aside.'

'Claramay, would you just tell me the truth? Who is this Garnet?Why don't I remember a thing. I deserve to know,' I tried to steer the conversation.

'You don't need. Just stay with me — stay close and she won't be able to touch you. You're safe with me.' she said, her voice laced with concern.

'But I deserve to know the truth, don't I?'  I pleaded. 'You told me that we are responsible for our safety in this world. And I need to know how to avoid her because I know something irreversible happens when I see her and it's either a spell or it's something more sinister. You're the one who can teach me to fight it.

Her eyes met mine, as if searching for something genuine. I don't know what she saw, but she shrugged, patting the bed next to her, motioning me to sit.

I obeyed.

'Fine, she's an enchantress, a seductress and you just got yourself into her field of attention and I need to get you  out of here before she decides to have you as her next prey. I think she's already fixated on you so we need to keep you out of her sight.' she started.

'What exactly is happening? What's an enchantress? I don't...' I began.

'You want to know? Then listen. She's a succubus. She goes to the earth and lures men with her beauty. And after they get seduced, she sleeps with them. The men never wake up in the morning...'

'Why?' I asked through I could kind of guess the answer.

'She feeds off their life force. These women maintain their youth by taking away the life from innocent humans. Thus their beauty never fades. And you just messed with the wrong enchantress. Garnet has a reputation for being the most dangerous and merciless among all. Trapping men is a passtime for her. And she just made you her favorite sport.'


'Yes you. She'll not rest until she gets you and I know she has her ways. You remember I told you that in this land you shouldn't respond to someone calling you from behind. Enchantresses and sirens, vampires and witches do exist and if I'm not wrong, she's searching for you everywhere.  She never gives up. If she finds you... '

'I'm dead... ' the events of the morning flash before my eyes.

Claramay saved me this time, but how long?

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