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'Hey, Sapphire,' a voice stopped me dead in the middle of my tracks

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'Hey, Sapphire,' a voice stopped me dead in the middle of my tracks.

Claramay was peering through the dense fog ahead, trying to see the person.

This fog — cold and chilly had been thickening over the city as the day approached dusk.

'Hey, it's me. Why do you look so tensed?' a person in a dark brown cloak appeared.

I couldn't see her face from where I stood and I didn't dare to look up from the ground and risk giving myself away.

Claramay stiffened on seeing her and her eyebrows frowned in thought.

'Who's with you?' the newcomer wriggled a finger at me.

'Oh, that's Amethyst. A new friend in town. He's been roaming listlessly in the Woods of Death,' she paused to let the words sink in, 'I rescued him and I think we should go to Emerald. We just can't leave him alone, right?'

I was amazed at how smoothly the lies flew from her tongue without stammering even for a second.

'That's the right thing to do.' she gave a sympathetic nod in my direction.

It was then that I caught a glimpse of her face and for a moment, I stood dumb, gaping like an idiot at her.

She had exquisite brown eyes with a tinge of purple along the edges. Her face seemed to glow with an unearthly charm and her lips were soft, almost inviting. I found myself, taking a step towards her.

Claramay was beside me in an instant and gripped my arm, applying slight pressure.

My trance broke.

'Excuse him for not being very social, Garnet! He had a traumatic experience back there.' she sounded angry.

Garnet's lips curled into a smile. It was beautiful yet deadly.

'See you around, Amethyst,' said she, her tongue lacing around my new name like a caress, as if the wind was suddenly hugging me.

'Yeah.' Claramay answered for the both of us and tugged at my arm.

I instinctively followed until some time after which she left my hand with an unnecessary force, 'What do you think you were doing back there?'

'I... I mean, she was so gorgeous. I couldn't take my eyes off her...' I stammered.

'How many times do I need to tell you that you're the only human here amidst all the magical creatures. Everything that you see in her is an illusion. She's an enchantress.'

'What's an enchantress?' I was surprised.

'You better not know.'

'But... I...'

She stormed off before I could ask another thing.

I also trudged along. The thoughts of Poppy being out there somewhere, was the only thing distracting me from the uncanny yet unnatural beauty of Garnet.

'You stay away from her.' she mumbled after sometime.

'But why?' I was getting increasingly confused, 'Are you jealous of her? Are you afraid I would be interested in her?'

'Jealous? Huh! No person in their right mind, would be jealous of Garnet's beauty or the attention she gets. No one would want to be her, I tell you,' her voice wasn't sad, but it had that unfathomable tone which confirmed that she didn't want to say the entire truth. 'You don't know half of the things that go on in this world. Why don't you listen? '

'Because, though I need your protection in this world, I'm still my own man.' I snap.

'Oh really? Then I should have left you there to die. Why did I bring you here? Why am I risking everything to help you, you ungrateful beast,' her nose flared in anger.

She looked too cute standing with hands on her hips, almost as if the old Claramay was back.

I couldn't help a smile and realized too late that it wasn't the best thing to do under those circumstances.

'You don't care! 'she hissed, 'Go fend for yourself. I don't care either if you get yourself killed.'

And with those words she disappeared into a puff of smoke.

In other situations I would have apologized with folded hands, but my ego got the better of me. I'm brave and I'll find Poppy alone if I have to. I don't need her. I don't need anyone for that matter.

I resumed my steps with the castle looming large in the horizon, beckoning to me. It was unwelcome yet desirable!

I had a map and I was looking into it when a familiar voice startled me into action.


She was standing in one of the coves set in the wall of the alley, leaning against it, eyes half closed — her dark plum lips parted slightly in the most seductive gaze ever.

'Garnet?' I whispered.

'Amethyst, you are so adorable —so brave, handsome, you're so mine,' she said, taking a step forward.

There was a dancing stance in her steps and the grace of the movement seemed unnatural. She came closer and all I could do was stand frozen —almost hypnotized.

'You aren't one of us, are you?' her voice seemed like a lullaby in my ears as I got intoxicated in her presence. 'You're a human. I never had an effect on any Vešterka before.'

'I... I... am... a.. a... Vešterka,' I managed to stutter.

'Shhhh, you're lying. Good boys don't lie,' she placed one of her finger on my lips.

She had long painted nails and her finger was ice cold.

I shuddered and yet I couldn't take my eyes off her. She started circling me, almost as a predator circles her prey.

'You seem to be a good person. It's a pity. But then you violated our land,' she put her arms around my neck from behind and planted a kiss on my neck.

Electricity crackled through my body as my hormones responded to her touch.

'Oh! You're a sensitive one, aren't you? I thought you'd be good sport, but you're weak, you're too easy,' she said almost with regret in her voice as she gently nibbled my earlobes.

All I could do was stand there powerless, as she unleashed her charm on me, destroying all of my self control.

'Amethyst! ' a cry startled me out of the daze and I looked around to see Claramay at my side.

'Garnet, back off.' venom dripped from her tongue at every word. 'Back off before I force you to and you know you won't stand a minute before my power.'

'Oh, you're such a spoil sport!' Garnet said in her singsong child like voice. ' We were having so much fun, weren't we sweetheart?'

I realized that the last one was directed to me. I could only utter a croak in reply.

'I don't want to see you here.' Claramay took one step forward, balling her fingers into a fist.

'You brought a human,' Garnet sang, 'Emerald won't be happy. I'll tell him.'

'Don't pretend as if someone as common as you have access to the Guardian.' she spat.

'Oh please. I sleep with him,' Garnet retorted.

'Obviously you're seducing him. He isn't into older women,' Claramay almost smiled.

'How dare you?' she screeched, 'But a mist engulfed us before I could hear anything more.

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