9: Prince Owen of Atlantis

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Moments later I awoke, my father staring down at me. He helped me up, and showed me to a mirror. I was still myself. Sorta. I was slightly more muscular now. I had a golden, banded crown around my head. I looked at my dad, and he bowed, "Prince Owen of Atlantis, welcome home." He grabbed my hand and we swam downstairs. He opened the front doors of the kingdom and with a powerful scream yelled, "MY SON IS HOME." The kingdom roared with excitement. Trumpets sounded. It was the most amazing thing I had experienced. It seemed like a fairy tale.
     That night, we had a huge party. Everyone in the whole kingdom was there. Including Kylie and her mom. I swam over to Kylie and asked her to dance. And we did. Later that evening, I took her outside to a back garden. We sat and talked. "It's a beautiful night," I said to her. She nodded, "I've always heard the nights are more beautiful on land," she said. I nodded, "yes. But you know what's more beautiful?" She smiled questionably, "What?" I smiled and softly said, "you." She blushed. I leaned in and kissed her.
     At that moment we heard screams from inside. We jumped up and swam. The room had caught fire. I stood there for a minute and thought, how could a room underwater catch fire? "What are you doing, don't just stand there, help!" King Oliver screamed. He blasted a spot of the fire with a huge force. I swam backwards. What the hell. I screamed, "What the hell was that?!" I pointed where he had just blasted out the fire, and suddenly a huge force came out of me. Holy shit. I looked at my hands. I pointed at another spot, and it happened again. I have powers? Why didn't anyone tell me about this? "OWEN WATCH OUT!" It was too late. I looked up just in time to see a chandelier crashing down on me.  Everything was dark.

Owen of Atlantis Where stories live. Discover now