7: Home At Last

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     I don't remember falling asleep, but at some point, I did. I quickly sit up and look around. George and Brenda are gone. I get up and swim out into the hall. Kylie is gone too. I swim into the breakfast room. "And then he goes, "what to mermaids eat!" George exclaims. Everyone starts laughing. I roll my eyes. "Ha, funny." I grab was looks like an eggroll and sit down to eat. Kylie sits down with me. Her eyes sparkled more then before. "I'm going with you guys today," she said. I looked at her, "why?" She sighed. "I miss my mom. She lives in Atlantis. I came here for school but I hate it. I'm going home." I smiled, "well, welcome to the journey." I cringed. I'm such a dork. But she laughed.
After I finished eating, I helped Kylie pack a satchel, and we were off again. We swam for days, no break. Kylie and I had trouble keeping up. Soon. I saw the sign. City of Atlantis. I smiled. So did Kylie. We swam through the gate. There were mermaids everywhere. All sizes, and colors. It was a beautiful sight. "I'll catch up with you later, I'm going home," Kylie said. She hugged me, and swam off. I smiled sadly watching her leave. "Owen and Kylie sitting on a rock, k-i-s-s," Brenda started. I rolled my eyes, "fuck off." Brenda scoffed, "I will not be doing any of the fucking off." We heard George yell in the distance, "the castles this way!" We swam towards him. When we caught up, he was in front of the gate. A beautiful green gate stood before us. "The guard won't let me in," George said. The guard looked at me, "You. Come with me."  I shrugged. Brenda whispered to me, "Go." I followed the guard through the gate and into a shed like building. Another merman was in the room, holding a light. He grabbed my arm and shown the light on it. The tattoo lit up white. "It's real, he may enter." The guard took my hand and led me into the front doors of the castle.

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