I am awakened the next morning by Caroline knocking on my door. "Hon, you missed your alarm, you got 20 minutes." I jump up and say okay. I run out into the hall. "Oh honey, you dyed your hair, it looks good." I gave her a weird look. "What?" I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. The ends of my hair are blue. "Holy shit I look emo as fuck," as if I already didn't but this just completed it. Caroline walked in behind me, "didn't you do that?" And shook my head no. Suddenly fear cake into her eyes, but then it disappeared. "Mhmk." She walked way. I shrugged and looked back into the mirror. I brushed out my hair and went back to my room to change. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, my white "Misfits" t-shirt, and my converse. I grabbed my bag and jacket and walked down stairs. "Oh Lordy, what the hell did you do to your hair boy?" Ken was in shock. "He didn't," Caroline said skeptically. Kens eyes went wide and he went back to his paper.
Something weird was going on but I didn't have time to question it. I grabbed a pop tart and headed out the door to my bus stop. My friend Dominick is always there before me. "Woah dude, cool hair" he smiled. I rolled my eyes. "Don't ask."
The bus pulled around the corner and we got on. Everyone's eyes were on me. I hated it. I hate people looking at me. Dominick and I sit down in a seat and he looks at me. "Do you have a contact in?" I shook my head, "no, this just happened last night." He gave me a questioned look but then went on to something else. "Are you trying out for swim team?"
"No, I don't have the time because of work." I really wanted too, but the money was more important. "That's too bad, you're an amazing swimmer," he said. When we arrived at school, I headed to my first class. English is not the best way to start a day. I sat in my desk and looked out the window to the ocean. I smiled. It was so beautiful. Suddenly my leg got very itchy. It was on my thigh. I tried scratching it through my pants but it wouldn't go away. I looked at the time. 8:03. Class starts in 10 minutes. I get up and walk to the restroom. I went in a stall and pulled my pants down. I screamed when I saw my leg. In a patch where my skin used to be, were blue fish scales. I ran my fingers over them, and then I threw up. I pulled my phone out of my bag and called Caroline. "Can you come pick me up, I just threw up." I expected her too say no but she said, "I knew this day would come, I'll be there soon." Then she hung up. I knew this day would come? What day?

Owen of Atlantis
Teen FictionOwen Vincent is a 16 year old day dreamer from Atlantic City, New Jersey. He was just an average kid from an average town, or so he thought.... But Owen is just about to find out how average his life is.