1: School

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I have always been a bit of a day dreamer. Anything could set me off, from a small story on the news to learning about the Civil War in U.S. History at school. I like to imagine myself being anywhere but here. Here is the town of Atlantic City, New Jersey. Other then the beach, this place is extremely boring. I've lived here for as long as I can remember. I grew up in a foster home. I remember in elementary school being made fun of for growing up a white kid with black parents. I never really minded, Ken and Caroline are a very nice elderly couple. Good role models. They never could have kids of their own, so they took me in. "I wonder what they are doing right now..." I thought to myself.
"VINCENT!" My attention was turned back too the math class I've never really paid much attention in. "Yes, sir?"
"What's the answer to number 15?" I looked down at the math homework I didn't do the night before. "Erm, 17?"
"Owen, did you even read the question?" Mr. Lesley knows me all too well. "No, sir."
"Well, if you would have, you would've answered a over 2." I nodded. "Do you even know what day it is?" Mr. Lesley questioned. At that moment the bell rang. I jumped up, grabbed my bag, and ran out of the room. Yes, I thought to myself, September 16th.
School was out and I was so damn glad to get out of there. I took the beach route home that day. I loved the ocean. I always have, I don't know why. I sit down in the sand and look down at my phone to check the time. "3:15" I say out loud for absolutely no one to hear. I had about 45 minutes until I had to be at work. I work at a Shell station on the other side of town. I hate the job, but I need the money. I get up and head home. I walk in the front door too see Caroline standing at the stove cooking dinner. She smiled at me coming through the door. "Hey, how was your day?" I shrugged. "Okay I suppose, where's Ken?"
"He went out to fish with his friend. You know, the tall red head? Oh, what's his name?"
"Levi?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "Do you work tonight?"
I moaned, "yes, unfortunately." She laughed and said "you better get changed and head off. I'll make you a sandwich and put your dinner in the fridge." I smiled and said thanks. I ran upstairs to my room. I threw on my black jeans and the ugly red shirt I wear almost every night. Then I ran out the door, hopped on my bike and headed off.

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