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No one P.O.V

Jungkook, Jin and Jimin finally arrived at the school. Jungkook was shaking because he was nervous but also because of excitement. He looked around the school, at all the people he had never seen. He wonder if he would end up in class with some of them or not.

"Do you think they'll like me?" Jungkook said quietly, looking at the other side. Seeing new faces. He turned to his hyung for an answer.

"Jungkook of course people will like you, how can they not like you? Like come on you're so cute and handsome as fuck" Jimin said ruffling Jungkook's hair.

"JIMIN! DON'T SWEAR IN FRONT OF THE BABY' Jin shouted gaining attention. Jungkook blushed when he noticed people looking at him and his hyung's.

"But it's true Jin he's fine as fuck, if I didn't have 2 mates i would totally fallen in love with Jungkook" Jimin said looking at Jungkook who blushing even more by Jimin's comment.

"Well let's get inside school before we get in trouble" Jin said while dragging Jungkook and Jimin.

When they walked down the school corridor a lot of people were staring at them or mostly Jungkook. Jungkook got pretty embarrassed and shy so he decided to hide behind Jin. Jin just smiled at Jungkook's cuteness before holding his hand and brought Jungkook in the middle of Jimin and him.

They continued walking while hearing some of the comments about Jungkook.

"OMG look at him his so cute" Girl 1

"YES, but handsome too" Girl 2

"Well another new student, i can't smell his scent what is he?" boy 1

"Yes, but i hope his an omega tho" Boy 2

The two last comments cout Jin's attention. He stopped and looked at Jungkook before sniffing around trying to smell Jungkook's scent.

"Jungkook did you take scent pills" Jin asked with a stern look.

"O-f c-course n-n-ot" Jungkook answered stuttering.

"Jungkook don't lie, I can't smell you're strawberry and chocolate scnet" Jin said and continued walking. Jungkook ran in front of Jin and looked at him, walking backwards.

"But Jin hyung you know my scent is really strong, like so strong omegas who don't have mates go crazy" Jungkook explained.

"Yes I know but I don't know why. Your a normal omega like us so I don't understand" Jin said and moved Jungkook into the middle again between him and Jimin.

"But how are you going to find your mate if you keep hiding it?" Jimin hyung asked looking around.

"Yes, Jimin is right how are you supos-" Jin tried to say before being cut of by Jimin.

"Talking about mates look whos coming" Jimin said pointing at the end of the hall.

Jin and Jungkook looked where Jimin was pointing and saw four figures walking towards them. Jin smiled when he figured out who it was. Jungkook on the other hand didn't know who they were. He figured out it probably Jin and Jimin's mates. Now Jungkook has never met Jin and Jimin mate, so he had no clue who they were and how they looked like. Jungkook decided to just smile and be nice to them.

Jimin ran to them Jin following after. They left Jungkook alone without realising. Jungkook looked down to the floor before deciding to walk slowly over to the couples. Jungkook saw Jin hugging a tall boy with dirty blond hair. He's dimples were showing when he smiled down at Jin. Jungkook looked over at Jimin seeing him hugging two boys. Jungkook knew that Jimin had two mates. He kinda was jealous because Jimin managed to get two dates but he managed to get non. There was a boy standing behind them, Jungkook looked at him with big doe eyes.

He's beautiful...

Jungkook thought while looking at him even more. He looked at his face, he's jawline sharp and he's red lips forming into a line. His hair was dirty blond just like Jin's mate. Jungkook looked up to the new strangers eyes, making eye contact with him. His eyes were looking at Jungkook with a not so gentle look. Jungkook shivered at the way the boy was looking at him. He cut the eye contact and looked down at his black shoes.

The quietness was cut off when Jin's mate speaking , a hint of possessiveness in his voice.

"Baby who's that?" He asked looking at Jungkook.

"Oh That's Jungkook, say hello to him" Jin said letting go of Namjoon to walk over to Jungkook, but Jin's mate wrapped his right arm around Jin's waist bringing Jin closer to him.

"Namjoon, It's okay he's not a danger, geez" Jin said rolling his eyes.

"I can't smell his scent, he's not an alpha, right?" One of Jimin's mate asked with a rough voice.

Jungkook didn't like the way they all were looking at him, even the mystery boy behind them were looking at him with a not so pleasant look.

"Jungkook an alpha? His the most submissive person you could ever meet" Jimin said while laughing holding onto his stomach.

"Co-come on J-j-Jimin h-hyung I'm n-not that s-submissive" Jungkook said, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

"Anyway boys this is Jungkook. Be nice to him, he's like a little brother to me and Jimin" Jin said looking at the boys.


I looked at them again, their look's a little more normal than the first time. Expect for the boy in the back. He kept looking at me in some type of way. It made me feel like he didn't want me here. I don't know what happened or what it was but a feeling of sadness washed over me when I looked into his eyes again.

"So what is he? Beta, Omega" The boy suddenly talked, straling Jungkook.

"His an omega Taehyung" Jin hyung said while resting his head on his mates shoulder.

I looked up at the boy, who's name was apparently Taehyung. It didn't look like he believed it. The rest of the boys were back to normal now their eyes more welcoming.

Jungkook stepped closer to Jimin, but got stopped by a low growl. Jungkook's eyes widen and he looked at the person the growl came from. Jimin also looked at the person who was now standing a little bit closer to him.

"Taehyung why did you growl at Jungkook? What did he do?" Jin asked getting closer to them. Taehyung looked at the now frighten Jungkook. Right now Jungkook wished he didn't take the scent pills so he could surround himself with his calming scent.

"Don't worry Jungkook, Taehyung gets a little bit overprotective over his bestfriends. Even tho i'm his mate" Jimin said petting Taehyung hair, trying to calm him down.

"But why did you growl at him" Jin asked again.

"Why shouldn't I? How do we know he's not an alpha? You two could probably be laying"  Taehyung explained still looking at Jungkook.

"But we already told you that his an omega! And what's the problem if he is an alpha?" Jin asked now walking over to Jungkook. Poor Jungkook was shaking a little bit because of what had just happened. He really wished he didn't take the pill.

"I don't want him to attack you and Jimin"

"Idiot do you hear what your saying? We've been friends with Jungkook long time before we even met you guys. Why would we lie and why would Jungkook attack us?" Jimin said getting annoyed at Taehyung's behaviour. Taehyung looked at Jungkook one more time before whispering a small Sorry.

Jungkook heard it and smiled a little bit.


Another edited chapter! It's a bit longer and different from the first chapter.

I hope you like the new chapter and don't hate the changes.

Have a nice day/evening everyone! 

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