Mission Five

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  "You done already?" Jade yelled from the other side of my door

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"You done already?" Jade yelled from the other side of my door.

"Yeah I've been done," I looked in the mirror and smoothed out my dress.

"Well then let me see!" Jade exclaimed.

"No!" I yelled back.

"Why?" Jade slammed on the door.

"Because I look stupid!" I unlocked the door and plopped on the ground.

Jade threw open the door, "Finally!" She walked over to me and I looked up at her hopelessly.

"There's no way I'm going to a date when I look like this. Tell me I look awful!" I whined.

"Oh my gosh... Mackenzie you look... amazing," Jade grabbed my elbows and helped me stand back up, "You look amazing and Chris will be lucky for your company tonight."

I looked at my dress in the mirror. It was a light denim print with a belt under my breasts and ruffles down to my knees. Jade went through her shoes and gave me some sandals.

"Ugh, my feet will be killing me by the end of the night with these pieces of cardboard," I whined.

Jade rolled her eyes, "You won't even be thinking about it because you'll have a hunk of hot meat on your arm." I shrugged and slouched my shoulders as I plopped over on my bed.

"Alright, alright... what's the real reason why you don't want to go?" Jade walked over and sat beside me.

"What if I see her?" I asked.

"Jess?" Jade replied.

"Who else? What if I see her and her fiancé?" I said.

"You mean your ex-fiancé?" Jade rubbed my back.

"Exactly. I want him to be jealous, but what if I do something stupid and chase Chris away?" I covered my face with my arms in case I started crying.

"Well what have you been doing this whole time? Because if that wasn't chasing him away, then I don't know what else you could possibly do for him to take a hint," She laughed as she pulled my arms off from my face.

"I dunno. I thought he was just another douche, but he seems much more than that. And now I'm terrified," I stood up and went to grab my purse.

Jade jumped off of my bed, "Well I know one thing; you look hot. And Chris seems like a good guy. But even if he isn't, even if he breaks your heart and you pretend you never want to date anyone ever again, at least you'll be one guy closer to the right one."

I smiled and looked back at her, "You always know what to say."

Jade laughed as she shrugged, "I know."

Just then, the doorbell rang and my heart leapt out of my chest.

"He's here," I whispered.

"Alright, drama queen. Calm down," Jade dragged me to my bathroom and touched up my concealer before she shoved me to the front door.

"Hey, you're right on time!" I said as I opened the door. And there he was. Chris stood there in a regular V-Neck and leather jacket but he couldn't have been more attractive. He was holding something in his hand and I looked down at them. Flowers.

"Wow..." Chris stood there speechless.

Jade yelled from the kitchen, "I know right!"

I blushed and gestured to the flowers, "Who are those for?"

Chris slapped himself back together and handed me the bouquet, "These are for you. I usually don't get something for my date but I saw them in the store and they just reminded me of you and I had to get them."

"They're camellias, my favorite," I took them into my arms and inhaled deeply, "Thank you so much! These were the flowers my sister gave me when I first became CEO Assistant."

Jade peered begins the corner and smiled. I handed them to her and walked out the door.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

Chris smirked, "You'll know it when you see it!"

"Ok... that was strangely cryptic and creepy," I laughed nervously.

"'Cryptic and creepy,' huh, gotta add that one to the list," He handed me a helmet.

"Oh no, I am not gonna ride that thing. I'm wearing a dress!" I took a step back.

"Hey, you saw me drive this to Freezies every morning. What did you expect? Me to own a motorcycle and a car? In San Francisco nonetheless?" He exclaimed.

"Yes!" I replied.

"Well your fault for having that much faith in a guy you barely know," He shrugged and shoved the helmet into my stomach, "C'mon, it isn't even that far away."

I exhaled and gave in as I strapped the helmet onto my head. Chris smiled and climbed on his death machine. I sighed and climbed on behind him. I wasn't quite sure where to put my hands so I laid them in my lap.

"Hey you might want to put your hands around my waist, you know, if you don't want to fly off the back of my motorcycle," Chris said. I groaned and wrapped my arms around him.

He started his motorcycle and I tightened my grip. I could literally feel his abs through his freaking shirt, that's how ripped he was.

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