Lunch Detention

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I'm at school right now, in second period. I have lunch after this period, but I know I'm going to get lunch detention since I was unexcused for being late yesterday. Hopefully Sana doesn't feel lonely when I'm not with her.

A TA came into the classroom and handed a few slips of paper to our teacher. The TA left and the teacher handed the slips to a few kids in the classroom, including me. I got the slip and it said that I have lunch detention. I only need to serve lunch detention for 20 minutes, and then I'm excused to go to lunch.

I probably should text Sana, but I know she'll be mad if I text her that I have lunch detention. Well, she'll be angry if I do text her or don't text her, but I'll choose to not text her. She probably won't care that I even have lunch detention.  I put the slip into my pocket and continued to do my school work. When class was over, I exited the classroom and entered into the lunch detention room. I signed in, gave my slip to the teacher and took a seat.

(Sana's POV)

After class was over, I went into the cafeteria, got my lunch and sat at an empty table where me and Y/n could sit at together by ourselves. I put my food on the table and sat down and waited for Y/n.

After 5 minutes went by, I began to think why he hasn't arrived yet. I started getting curious and texted him.


Sana: Y/n? Where are you?

Sana: Are you busy? What's going on?

I waited for a response but never gotten one. I kept on texting him, hoping he would notice his phone vibrating in his pocket.

Sana: Y/n?

Sana: Helloooo?

Sana: What are you doing?

I waited again for a response but still didn't get one. I was getting mad and kept texting him.

Sana: Hey!

Sana: Stop ignoring me!

Sana: Wtf are you doing?!

Sana: I'm in the cafeteria on my own!

Sana: Get over here!

I waited and waited and waited but no response. What the heck is he doing?!

(Your POV)

After 20 minutes went by, I was excused to leave lunch detention. I left the room and headed my way into the cafeteria. I felt my phone buzzing a lot in my pocket, but I didn't take it out since I'm not allowed to be on my phone in lunch detention.

I took it out of my pocket and noticed that I have 10 messages from Sana.

Sana: Y/n? Where are you?

Sana: Are you busy? What's going on?

Sana: Y/n?

Sana: Helloooo?

Sana: What are you doing?

Sana: Hey!

Sana: Stop ignoring me!

Sana: Wtf are you doing?!

Sana: I'm in the cafeteria on my own!

Sana: Get over here!

Oh shoot, she's getting mad. I put my phone back into my pocket and rushed to the cafeteria.


I arrived in the cafeteria and searched where Sana was sitting. I spotted her. I walked towards her and sat next to her. She looked at me and gave me a glare.

You: Hey, sorry I-

Sana: What the heck took you so long?! I was waiting!

You: Sorry, I jus-

Sana: And why didn't you text me?! Did you just choose to ignore me?! Or did you forget your phone and left it at your house?!

You: Sana, I-

Sana: You can't keep doing this! You always keep me waiting! Why do I have to keep waiting for you?! Why do I even wait for you?! Why do I-

You: Sana!!! Let me talk and explain...

Sana: (Sigh) Okay, go ahead then.

You: I was at lunch detention because I was late and unexcused yesterday.

Sana: Oh, that's it?

You: Yeah...

Sana: But that's not a good excuse for why you didn't text back.

You: It was because I couldn't be on my phone during lunch detention.

Sana: So? You couldn't just sneak a text or something?

You: If I was caught being on my phone, then I'd have it confiscated for the day.

Sana: Well, you wouldn't have gone to lunch if you were more responsible yesterday.

You: Sana, not this again.

Sana: Yes this again.

You: Why do you always want to fight?

Sana: What are you talking about? I don't.

You: Yes you do.

Sana: No I don't! When have I ever started a fight?

You: Well, right now, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day before the day before yesterday, the day before the day before the day before yesterday, shall I keep going?

Sana: You know what, just shut up.

You: I will once you do.

Sana: Okay then, I will too.

Me and Sana both stopped talking to each other and went on our phones. When lunch was over, we didn't even say goodbye to each other, we just went to our next class.

My Cheerleader (2): Twice Sana x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now