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Sana: (Cries)

Last week, a day after Y/n went to the hospital, I've been given the bad news that Y/n has died. And ever since I've been told that, every night I would cry myself to sleep and every morning I would wake up still crying. I've been trying to control myself in the day and not cry but when I'm alone in my room, I let the tears flow.

Today, I think I should go to his grave. I should at least visit him, even if I'm lazy. I get up from my bed and exit my house. I don't feel like dressing up, so I'm in a T-shirt, short shorts and shoes. It's sunny outside, so at least this is appropriate clothing to wear outside.


I arrived at his grave. I see that a football is placed on the dirt. His teammates probably put it there. I should've gotten flowers at least. That would've been nice. Next time, I will.

I read the writing engraved on his tombstone. Tears just come running down slowly just by looking at his name on it but I was able to get back into control and wipe them away and stop crying.

I wish we didn't fight a lot. I wish that I was a better girlfriend. I wish I could redo everything. I want to hug him and kiss him, but I don't get to have that chance anymore. I messed up, and the only thing I could say is,

Sana: Y/n... I love you...

I turn around and walked away from his grave. While walking, I spotted this golden lamp. It caught my attention quickly. I stopped and picked it up and examined it. It had a little dirty spot on it, so I rubbed it a little bit to have it look clean. After I rubbed it, the lamp started to shake and out came a big blue guy

Sana: What the heck?!

I dropped the lamp and stepped back a little. The big blue guy looked at me with a straight face.

Blue Guy: You there! Did you rub my lamp?

I looked at him shocked. I rubbed my eyes to see if I was hallucinating but I'm not. I nod my head slowly.

Sana: Y-yes...

Blue Guy: What's your name short stuff?

Sana: My name? S-sana...

Blue Guy: Alright, I shall grant you 3 wishes.

Sana: Wait really?! What for?!

Blue Guy: That's my job. I'm a genie and I just do that when someone rubs my lamp. It happens when every genies lamp is rubbed. They grant wishes to people who rub our lamp.

Sana: Oh, okay...

Genie: Unless you're in Ireland and you open a special beer bottle. If you open the special beer bottle, a drunk genie comes out and also grants you three wishes. But we're getting off track. Tell me your 3 wishes.

Sana: So I get three wishes huh?

I thought about what I wanted and my mind instantly went to Y/n. I looked at his grave with an idea and looked back at the Genie.

Sana: My first wish! I wish that I could go back to last Monday, in the morning, before school, when Y/n came over!

Genie: Done!

The blue guy clapped twice and instantly, I was in my house. I looked down and noticed I was in clothes I usually wear to school.

Genie: Your first wish is done. What is your second wish?

Sana: My second wish?

I was thinking of my second wish, until I heard my door knock.

Sana: Oh! That must be Y/n!

I looked back at the Genie.

Sana: Can I save my two wishes? I want to use them some other time.

Genie: Very well. I will wait in my lamp. Rub my lamp when you are ready to make your wish.

The Genie went back into his lamp. I grabbed his lamp and put it in my backpack. I opened the door and saw that it was Y/n.

Y/n: Hey, sorry I-

I didn't let him finish his sentence. Instead, I cut him off by grabbing his jacket and pulling him into a kiss. I smacked my lips into his. It's been so long since we kissed and I forgot how good it felt. I broke the kiss and Y/n looked at me in shock.

You: Sana...

Sana: I don't care if you're late! You're here at least! Come inside!

Y/n came inside my house. I closed the door and hugged him tightly. A few seconds later, I felt his arms wrap around me.

You: Sana, I've never seen you like this for a long time. And, it's been a while since we kissed.

Sana: It has! And I'm sorry for fighting with you a lot! I'll be better! I swear I will!

You: R-really?

I broke the hug and looked at Y/n, smiling.

Sana: Let's not go to school.

You: What? Why?

Sana: Let's do something fun! We haven't done anything fun in a while! We've been only hanging out at school and at our houses, so lets, like, go to the mall!

You: But Sana, we have to go to school.

Sana: Please! I really want to spend the day with you!

You: Sana, we can't-

Sana: Pretty please!!!

You: But-

Sana: Please! Please!! Please!!! PLEASE!!!

You: (Sigh)... Okay fine, we'll skip school.

Sana: Yay!!!

I hugged Y/n again and showered him in kisses.

You: Okay okay, Sana calm down.

Sana: (Giggles) Sorry.

I stopped and backed away from him.

You: Geez, you're hyper today.

Sana: It's because I love you.

You: I love you too Sana... Now, let's start our day with breakfast.

Sana: Yeah, we can make some in the kitchen.

You: Alright, let's do it.

Me and Y/n walked into the kitchen and started going through my pantry and fridge for stuff we can cook for breakfast.

I can't believe it though. I can't believe that I was so lucky to get 3 wishes from a Genie. And I can't believe Y/n is alive right now. It feels like a dream but this has to be real. My dreams can't be doing this to me. I believe it's real! It has to be! I believe in fairytales!

I used one wish though and I have two more to use. I have to use both of them wisely. Well, I already know what I want to use one of them for but I don't know what I want my other wish to be. I'll find out later what I want, but for now, I want to focus on my day with Y/n.

My Cheerleader (2): Twice Sana x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now