Damn it Carl

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I'm gonna be skipping to every time Daryl comes back to Alexandria or the group is with him for this season since he is taken by Negan.
*Couple of Days Later after Glenn's and Abraham's Death By Negan*

Negan was coming today. Everything that has happened hasn't really hit me yet or I haven't allowed it to. I refused to accept that Glenn and Abraham are gone. Maggie is at Hilltop and Daryl was taken as a prisoner. I haven't slept or eaten much since that whole event a week ago. All I do is go to the watch post every day and once in a while, help with the garden. I can't stop thinking about Daryl. Who knows if they even are keeping him alive.
That morning, I went to my post by the entrance. Rosita and Spencer pulled up in a car as Eugene just sat there ignoring them.
"Are you gonna opened the gate?" Rosita said.
Eugene didn't answer. He just kept working on whatever it was.
"We are going out to see if we can find anything before they come," Spencer said.
"I'm trying to fix this record player, so they can play music," Eugene said.
Then we heard a loud noise of a truck. I turned around and saw who it was. I quickly went down the ladder of the watch post. Once I hit the ground I ran over to Rosita.
Negan went up to the front entrance.
"Little pig, little pig! Let me in." He sung. 
Spencer hesitates before going to open only half of the gate.
Rick then walked up behind us and Spencer stood by the door.
"Don't make me have to ask," Negan said glaring at Rick.
"You said a week. You're early." Rick said as he opened the gate.
I stood next to Rosita just staring at this man. He took the ones we love away from us. I prayed he wasn't torturing Daryl too bad, to the point where he wished he was dead.
"I missed you." Negan said to Rick. "Alright everybody, let's get started."
I looked past him and saw a lot of men standing behind him. My eyes then found Daryl. He looked awful. They had him in some kind of jumpsuit with an A painted on the front. I went to go run to him, but Rosita grabbed my wrist. I glared at her as I was about to try and run towards him again when I made eye contact with Daryl. He slowly shook his head at me, telling me to stay put.
"Hey Rick, you see that. What I just did? That is some service! I mean, we almost get turned away at the gate. Do I get mad? Do I throw a fit? Do I bash some Ginger's dome in? Nope."
He walked up to Rick and handed him his bat. Negan then continued to walk into Alexandria looking around. I stood there just staring at Daryl, trying to read his face. He didn't look ok, but he's tough.
"This place is magnificent," Negan yelled. "I believe you will have plenty to offer up."
Daryl was pushed into Alexandria a little bit behind Rick. I slowly made my way over to him and stood next to me.
"Please tell me you're alright?" I whispered to him.
"Fine." That was all he said back.
"I'm gonna get you out of there. Trust me." I whispered back. Trying to get him to look at me.
He just stared at the ground.
"Daryl I..."
"No!" Negan said before I could finish my sentence. Rick turned around and looked at both of us.
"Nope." Negan said again. He walked over to us and glared at me as I refused to move away from Daryl's side. He looked back and forth between Rick and me and said
"He's the help. You don't look at him, you don't talk to him, and in return, I don't make you chop anything off of him." He then looked at Rick
"Ok, Rick?" He nodded
He then looked at me.
"Ok, pretty little thing? You don't wanna get your man kill, now do ya?" I stepped forward to get in his face.
"Same goes for everyone." Negan said looking around at us. "Right?"
I turned and walked away from him to give us some distance. I knew I need to give them space because I would do something stupid if he did anything to Daryl while he was there.
As I walked  away I heard him say
"A lot of suspense there. I don't think she even knew how much."
Rosita walked up beside me as we walked to where the supplies were.
"I hate that man."
"We need to do something," I said as I walked faster.
As we stood by the supply place, we watched the Saviors walk around. Rosita went back to the car with Spencer, hoping to leave.
I then watched as Dwight gave Rosita a hard time.
I didn't know what was going on, but I was so tempted to just pull out my gun and shoot him.
I ran to my house as I saw Saviors walking towards it.
"Hey! No, what the hell." I yelled.
"Get back girly." One of them yelled back. He shoved me to the ground hard. I got up quickly and watched them go into my house. I walked up the porch and watched them take whatever they wanted. Daryl, Rick, And Negan became walking around. I just watched from a distance. I decided I couldn't just sit around anymore. I started to walk around when I saw Daryl helping load stuff in the trucks. I walked over and stood next to Rick.
"You sure you're taking half?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I like you, your feisty."
Daryl walked by us with the pile of guns in his hand. Negan picked one up.
"Let's see if you've been taking care of my guns."
He held the gun out and aimed it at Daryl. It took everyone in my power not to do something about it. Daryl just kept walking as Negan followed him with the gun. He then shot the window.
"Feels good, sounds good."
Some girl then pushed Olivia, the inventory lady up to us.
"They're short." She said to Negan. He looked at Rick with disgust.
"Is that true?" He said.
"We had people leave town. Those guns are probably with them." I said quickly.
"So Olivia sucks at her job? Is that what you're saying?"
"No. She not saying that." Rick said
"There should be a full account here, right?" Negan said.
"No, I mean yes. It should be correct." Olivia said.
"You're two handguns short. Do you know where they are?"
"No," Olivia said.
"I can't have that." Negan said. "I don't enjoy a killing woman. But at the end of the day Olivia, my dear, this was your responsibility."
"We can work this out," Rick said
I just stood there watching Negan's every move.
"I'm going to take care of this right now. You screwed up Olivia."
Negan then walked away with Olivia somewhere. I sat on the steps of the inventory not knowing what to do. I just wanted Daryl to come back to me. I knew Rick was looking for the guns, but I didn't know where they were. I just wanted to sit here and try not to think. Rick came back over with the guns.
I poked up and placed my forearms on my thighs.
"Now which one of your people almost cost Olivia her life," Negan asked.
"It doesn't matter," Rick said.
I stood up next to Daryl as I watched what was happening.
Soon the Saviors decided to leave. I watched Daryl walk away from me. I reached out for his hand and gently brushed my hand against his.
"I love you," I whisper.
"You too." He said back quietly.
I went off and walked back to the outside of my house. I didn't wanna go in. I just wanted to stand there and remember what the house looked like before these men ruined it. Rick soon walked up behind me.
I jumped at the sound of his voice.
"I tried to get Negan to let Daryl stay."
I scoffed at him.
"Didn't work huh."
He shook his head.
"He just stood there. Didn't even say anything."
"He wants to kill them. They didn't break him. I know they didn't. He doesn't want anyone else to die." I said to Rick.
I sighed loudly looking at the house.
"I don't wanna go in."
"You can stay with us. I know you aren't sleeping or even eating. I'll Have Michonne watch over you."
I gave Rick a little smile as I followed him to his house.

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