Let's Kill Him

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It was a long trip back home. It was a little complicated to get back but I made it. When I got there, I saw cars in front of Alexandria and decided to sneak in. I could hear them already going through the house to house.
"Now how about we go to the little girl's place that Negan talked about. Show us Hannah's house."
I could hear Rick hesitating. I sprinted to the back entrance and out onto the road. I speed walked until they came into view. I tried to make it look like I was just out walking around Alexandria.
"Aren't they here early?" I called out.
Rick and the others turned around in shock. I smiled at them as I walked up to the Saviors.
"Can I help you?" I asked the man.
"Daryl escapes when you and Carl came to our compound. Now if I find him here, I've been ordered to kill some people and take you with me. Negan seems to really like you."
"What Daryl escapes? He wouldn't be stupid enough to come back here, dumbasses." I snapped back.
"Well, I can see why Negan likes her. Search the house." The man ordered.
Michonne came over to me and put my arm around me.
When the men were done, they got into their trucks. Before the men left, they looked at Rick.
"If Daryl shows up, no matter what time, the offer stands. We kill people and that beautiful girl comes with us. We'll have her torture you people instead of us."
The man then took off.
"How did you get back so quick?" Rick asked pulling me into a hug.
"I left at dawn. They gave me a car and I found a shortcut when there was a herd of zombies on the road. I didn't expect the Saviors to be here so early." I said.
"At least you made it," Michonne said.
As we walked away from the entrance. A man came up.
"You saw the pantry is empty right. And Gabriel is gone."
"What he couldn't of. I don't believe it." I said looked at Rick.
"I don't either."
We went to the pantry and found a note.
"Boat." Michonne read it out loud.
"How could he know," Rick asked Aaron
Soon the two left to go find Gabriel. I decide to let anyone go as I stayed back and got some more rest. For the first time in a while, I walked into the house I shared with Daryl. I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes.
I was woken up by Rick's loud voice. I got up from the couch and opened the front door.
"You got the food back!" I yelled to Rick!
"Yeah we did and we got more people to help us fight."
"Who?" I asked as I exited the house.
"The scavengers. We need to regroup and go back out. They want guns and a lot of them."
I ran out of the house and up to Rick. They finished putting the food back and we started to leave. "I want you to stay here. They need someone like you to watch over Alexandria." Rick said
"There's a reason, isn't there," I asked looking at him and Michonne.
"We all know what happened to Daryl. We don't want you retaliating or getting hung up on something."
"That makes we should weak Rick. I've never let you down before." I said back.
"You went with Carl to kill Negan!" He said stepping towards me.
"I didn't!" I yelled back. "I was trying to save your son's ass. I saw he get into one of the truck and I went with him. Why is this bothering you now?"
"I just want you to stay here."
Rick and the others turned away and headed out on their runs.
I went back to my house and sat down on the porch. I touched my cheek and felt the deep cut. I walked into the house and found a mirror. I began to cut the sticks off. I looked at myself in the mirror.
"Hey, I was gonna do that for you," Tara called over to me.
"Well, I did it already," I said back, still looking at myself in the mirror.
"This will help with the scar." She said handing me some ointment.
"Thanks." That was all I said. I walked back into the house and sat down on the same couch I've been on for a couple of days.
Rick came back three days later. The scavengers said that wasn't enough guns. I was pissed off that Rick didn't let me help. I stood out on the porch as watched Rosita leave. I chased after her.
"Hey, where you going?" I asked her
"None of your business." She snapped back, quickening her pace.
"Fine, but I'm coming with you."
She glanced at me before looking forward again.
"Just cause Negan changed both our lives, doesn't mean we are friends."
"I never said we were." I snapped back as I walked ahead of her.
I ended up just following her, not know where we were actually going. We finally arrived at the Hilltop. When we walked in, Rosita walked right up to Sasha.
"What are you doing here?" Sasha asked.
"I need your help," Rosita said.
She looked back and forth between Rosita and me.
"One condition. I get to take the shot." Sasha said. I then realized what Rosita came here for.
"I want to help too. He's threatened to hurt Daryl again and take me away from you guys."
They both turned and nodded at me. Rosita patted me on the back as she walked over to Sasha, taking her bag off.
"Did you bring any explosive from the bridge?" Sasha asked.
"I thought about it. But I didn't want anyone finding out and trying to stop me. I got something better, though."
Rosita then pulled out a sniper rifle.
"So you can take your shot." She said handing it to Sasha.
"Rick and Michonne found guns," Rosita said.
"But they aren't ready to move."
"They can't. They need more guns, more people, more time, more excuses." I said.
"I memorized everything Daryl, Hannah and Carl told Rick about the inside of Negan's place. And now we have Hannah here to help us get it right." Rosita said.
"I can make you a map of the outside and inside. I know Jesus can help me." I said.
"Jesus made me a map of the outside, so now we just need the inside," Sasha said to me
I nodded.
"I can do that," I said as Sasha smiled at me.
"It's far away and well defended. There's only three of us." Sasha continued.
"You changing your mind?" Rosita snapped back.
"I'm ready to kill him. But I need to make sure you know what this means." Sasha said looking at both of us.
"Do you?" Rosita said looking at Sasha, but kept her eyes on me. "What will Daryl think? We have no one, but you have someone."
"They can't catch us alive," Sasha added as they both looked at me.
"If they do, we give them something," Rosita said, stepping closer to me. "It's a one-way ticket for all three of us."
"I'm doing it. I want to protect others. Daryl will understand. This is for him." I said standing my ground.
Sasha sat there sharping her knife. I was drawing the compound on a piece of paper as Rosita watched me. I spent all night going over the details in my head. Rosita left in the morning to head back. She was going to cover for me as I stayed here and worked on the map.
The next morning, Sasha went out to train some of the Hilltop people. Rosita and I stayed behind watching her from a distance. I looked around and watched all these people training to fight. I did not want all these people to die. I told myself. I kept coming up with reasons why Sash, Rosita, and I had to do this. I knew Jesus was drawing the outside of the compound for Sasha so we just had to wait.
"Hannah. I want you to come with me." Jesus said. He stood up and walked out of the door, waiting for me to follow him. We went over to where the trailers were. He walked up to one of the doors and opened it.
"Go on in," Jesus said to me. I looked at him and started to walk in. He grabbed my arm and held me there before I could completely enter.
"Tell him of this plan of yours," Jesus said before releasing me. I walked her walked away. Confused, I turned and looked back to have the door. I glanced over my shoulder and walked Jesus walk away before I entered the trailer.
"Hannah?" A raspy voice called out.
"Daryl? I thought you were at The Kingdom?" I said as I ran up to him and hugged him.
"I came here. I could stay there." He answered.
"I'm so happy you're here," I said as I pulled him into a kiss. When he pulled away, he looked at me.
"What are you doing here? Rick sent you?" Daryl asked.
I cleared my throat awkwardly and pulled away from Daryl a little.
"He doesn't know I'm here. He thinks I just went out on a run or something." I said, trying not to look up. I knew if I looked at him, he would know I was lying.
"Tell me, Hannah. Please." Daryl said placing one hand on either side of my arms.
"I can't. You won't understand." I choked out.
"Tell me. I'll listen."
I took a deep breath.
"Rosita, Sasha, and I are going to kill Negan."
"You're what!?" He yelled back at me.
"See I knew you would like it. I have to Daryl. This is for us!"
"If you go, there's no way to come back! You know what!" He yelled back, grabbing my arm and pulling me back to him.
"I already said I would, ok! I have to. You don't need me anyway. I can't live with the fact that you were tortured and taken away from me while I did nothing. I didn't come with Carl to the compound to see you, I didn't even know that's where the truck went. I got on there to get his ass back home. I thought about you every day and just whines and moped around Alexandria. This is me doing something. If I don't come back then it's for the better."
"Why would you say that. After everything, we went through? Do you not care what I think, what I feel about this?" He spat back at me. I cringed at the anger in his voice.
"I need to do this. If not just for you, it's for everyone." I said softly.
He stared at me angrily before storming out of the trailer. I stood there not knowing what to do. I didn't want to change my mind.

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