Chapter two. i geuss

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Oh shit, look I got off my lazy ass and wrote another chapter, so, um in joy or some shit.

I try and fallow behind, but as soon as I think I'm catching up to him he turns a corner on to a busy street, I stop catching my breath, I rest my hands on my knees, I look up in a desperate attempt to see if I can spot him but at the speed he was running, there's no way in hell.

" god I need to quit weed, my lungs are dying here".

I stand properly, still out of breath I start to walk in the right direction of my house.

Walking home I start to think, why dose he need to beat his dad home, but then I remember how weird his dad is, so I don't blame butters for not wanting to be on his bad side.

Twisting the handle of my door I try and open the door, but not even a budge, I hit my hip on the door and still nothing.

" shit". Did mom really lock the door when she left for work.

I twist the handle and hit my hip on the door and to my surprise it opens, I stumble in, kind of stunned that it actually opened, I get my things in the door and shut it behind me, my body collapses on to the more then old couch, I'm sure that this couch has seen some pretty messed up shit.

I try and fight the heavy wight on my eyes, but of course I give in because who doesn't love a good nap. But as soon as it begins it ends with someone dropping there school bag on my back, my eyes open with a jolt and I look up and see Karan.

" how was school ".I question.

" eat shit".

" colourful". I say with a sarcastic tone.

She run down the stairs to her room and I hear her door slam, you see Karan is at the wonderful age of the constant fuck you, she is just one awful ball of teenager anger, Karan looks at dad like she can take him down in a snap, and I'm certain she can, but beside the point.

So I hate to ruin your little fan- girl harts but yup, me and Karan don't often get along, I still love her, don't get me wrong, but she can be just a pain.

Momma is off working at the local bar, so she's not often home, dad is off on one of his mid life crisis things, he'll most likely be back in a month, or so.

Again I pull up my hood and try and sleep, slinking my lags out and crossing them at the feet, tucking my arm behind my head I start to drift off.




" what- th...e fuck". I struggle to say.

My eyes open at the smallest amount that they possibly can, and when I do try and open them more my eyebrows start to hurt. I start to look around for the thing making the ungodly sound.

Double- Chin and all I find my phone, looking at it like it like it was a bag of lettuce and I'm an old lady at a grocery store, I start to read the screen.

Time for work.

Right I have a job, so with a mighty grunt I roll off the couch, stumbling down the stairs to my room, grabbing my work shoes from under my bed and putting a fresh sprit of Cologne. And just like that I'm out the door and off to work.

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