Chapter three

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I open the door and see tweeket, her long blonde hair loosely up in a ponytail, her quietly tending to the floor, walking to the back of the coffee shop I put on my apron and sit behind the counter, I watch the small blonde, she always wears the same thing; a green button up with brown khakis.

The top not fitting to her sometimes President figure, nether is the pants, I can clearly tell that they were boys pants. But whatever.

I'm back to the real world when the door opens with a jingle of the bell, it's mister Craig fucker, he waves to me and raps his arms around the small and poor girl, she jumps at the touch and looks at him, love more then prominent in her eyes, she then spots me and with her sweetness voice she says.

" can you cov-cover the rest of my shift so I can get home early."  I nod giving her the chance to scuttle away and enjoy herself.

It's weird I never seem to catch her happy unless she was with Craig, she must not like her dad or the shop, something like that. I get it I'm not cool enough for her.

Not many people came in since it was so close to closing, but when the door jingles again I look up to see butters, I slid my book to the side.

He approaches the counter looking up at the menu that hung just above my head, his arms timidly resting on his chest, the longer that he thought the more nervous I think he got, I grab a cup fill it with hot chocolate, then a little it of coffee and wipe cream with one mint paddy, plopping a lid on the drink I hand it to him.

" one minty mountain ".

He looks at the drink then at me.

" but Kenny I didn't order ".

" yeah but that's what you always get, remember? We used to come here after school ". He laughs softly as the memories come back to him.

" ooh yeah" he spins to face a table pointing to it "we used to sit there".

I let a quiet chuckle out, after a minute I spin and make myself a mint mountain as well, pulling out a five putting it in the cash register, climbing out from under the counter I walk to the seat.

Glancing at the boy I say " come on just like old times".

The boy seems to pip and came over to sit, he sat on the inside of the booth and me on the outside, we sat in a moment of silence then butters spoke up.

" it's not just like before".

" how?"

" cuz I didn't pay". I laugh.

" well I can pay now".

Again quiet but soon I decided to speak.

" so how was summer, we didn't get to hang often".

" yeah sorry I... I was Busy".

" I can tell, what did you do".

" um mostly doctors appointments and tests". His lip shakes his eyes glaze over  " y'know a-all the fun of d- dying ". He sniffles rubbing his nose.

Butters scratch less commonly known as Leopold, was diagnosed with type two brain cancer, he had a tumour located  on the occipital lobe, witch is located in the back of the brain. That means that he he gets seizures, the tumour was discovered after a large level two seizure, it left him semi dysfunctional on the left side.

" your not gonna die". He nods.

" nope I am, it got bigger".

" what about radiation or chemo?"

" yeah that's an option, but I decided against it",

My gut drops and I feel a tear slid down my cheek, pulling him into a tight hug I try not to cry.

" y'know I'm gonna miss you Kenny". He said it with such a calm tone.

I barely get a Word out before I collapse in a tearful mess. Clenching the boy more then before, an ugly sob cracks my lips, butters soft and cold hand rubs my back.

" it's okey, you're gonna not even miss me, just like cartman".

" no I'm not, you're to great ". He lets a happy sigh go.

"Sorry ken, I have to head home".

" no".

" please Kenny don't worry about me, remember just like old times".

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