Chapter four

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A/n: Tweek is female in this book so instead of being called Tweek I'll be referring to him as twinkle and using she and her pronouns.

Butters pov
I finally managed to get out of the coffee shop, even though I wanna stay with Kenny for as long as I can, before I left Kenny said something that seemed to really get to me, and of resent months I've gotten really good at not letting things get to me.

' things will never be like old times'.

There was more but that is what really got me, he was right, as much as I don't want him to be. He was.

I get home and take off my shoes my mom greets me with a concerned face.

" where  were you ".

" out".

" that's not an answer ".

" mom leave me alone".

" no you're sick right now I can't ".

" it's called dying mom".

I start to approach the stairs.

" why are you so angry all the time, what happened to my happy butters ".

" it's Leopold, you name me that so call me that".

I walk up to my room shutting the door behind me, yes I know I'm acting like an ass but to me the less people like me well I'm alive the less it gonna hurt when I die.

I lay myself on my bed and begin to cough,out of breath I just pant heavily, small wheezes as I breath. Maybe I won't wake up tomorrow.

Next morning

Next morning I got up tried to eat but every bite made my stomach curl so I just put on my jacket and mask, pulling up my hood as I left, I start to walk. I get to the bus stop and get on, it gets to school. I'm at my locker when I'm tackled but not enough to knock me off my feet. I stumble buck in there grip.

" what the He- Kenny careful man, I'm only a hundred pounds here and not a football ".

He tightened his grip on my lifting me a bit, what got into him. He digs his face into my shoulder, the bell hums through the halls of the small school.

" Kenny let go I need to get to class".

I had to practically prey him off of me so I can get to my class. For the rest of the day I had him stuck to my hip, yes he is my friend but he's getting on my nerves here.

We walk home in almost silence, he has something on his mind doesn't he, I decide to question him, stopping in my steps he fallows and looks at me with question.

" what's been with me today". I say with a soft voice.

"I just want to get my last few memories, you know". I watch his eyes glaze over and his eyes dart away from mine and he continues walking.

Hands in pockets and back slouched he got ahead of me, I try and catch up with him and when I do he wipes his eyes quietly, a shaky breath escaped him before he looks at me again.

Before I could question him again he starts to talk.

" you shouldn't be walking".

" Kenny I'm fine".

" no your not butters".

I look at him, his face set with concern.

" do you not get it butters, you need treatment, your walking around with a face mask, you can't do gym anymore".

" Kenny, my family can't afford it, even though they want to, we can't. What if it doesn't work and I die? All of that money is wasted and why would I want to suffer for the year of my life".

He sighed then drops the topic, we continue to walk in silence.

Time skip Kenny's pov.

Getting home I make something to eat and I'm off to work to continue to ponder the question of how I'm supposed to help butters.

Opening the door to the coffee shop I'm greeted by the small blonde, she looks at me and says.

" Kenny good your here, can you clean the back for me".

" what happened to the back". She leads me to the back by pulling on my arm, the broom on her other hand.

" I tripped and dropped one of the bags of flower and it's to heavy for me to lift so can you".

It seemed simple enough but as the task continues I found myself struggling, I finally lift the bag and get it in the shelf.

" o-oh gosh, your strong".

I chuckle, taking off my jacket and setting it on the chair near the corner, I go to grab an apron and start my shift.

Lots of people come and cash flow was steady as me and Twinkle were nearing the end of are shifts, me sweeping and her waiting for me to be done so she can mope.

" hey twinkle".

" yeah ".

" you know butters right ".

" he's the kid with cancer right?"

" he can't afford treatment and he's not in good condition, and even if I take extra shifts I'll never have enough to pay for what he needs and all the expenses of travel ".

She listens to me go on about my problems as I continue to clean, then as I finish and sit. she rigs out her mope in silence.

She finishes, as she pulls the mope back in the mope closet she begins to pull her long blonde locks into a loose pony tail, she sighs as she tightens the elastic for the last time. I can tell she didn't like it, so I decided to say something.

" if you don't like it then cut it". She looks at me with surprise, but then it fades.

"...can't, dad won't let me he says I won't look pretty anymore, s-so I just put it up and o-out of my way". I nod.

She walks up to me; digging into her pocket she passes me a wad of tips, she smiles softly at me when I looked at her with confusion.

" I-I was gonna put it towards to something else but I think you need it more".

I take it putting it into my pants pocket.

" what are you putting it to?".

She puffed her shirt out a bit " oh nothing important ".


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