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"Let's get married, Chaeyeon!"


"You and me, right now. Let's get married!"

"M-marry?! Saku, I can't... Not yet, anyways..."

"Don't you love me?"

"Of course I do..! But..."


"Five years."


"Wait five more years. I will ask you myself for you to marry me!"

"Ah! You were jealous, weren't you? So cute~"

Saku, I...



"Chaeyeon! Wake up, please!"

Chaeyeon opened her eyes, seeing Sakura hovered over her with a worried gaze.

She screamed and sat up, realizing she was now on a sofa in another room. It looked like a study, with a book shelf of old, dusty books and antiques, and a desk that seemed to belong to someone.

"How are you feeling?" Sakura asked in a calm tone, one that seemed to lack the desperation she heard moments ago. "After your powers awakening, it's understandable it you feel sick or confused."

"W-what...? Was that a dream just now..? That shadow thing... And what I did..."

Sakura frowned, sighing. "You really don't remember, do you?"

"What do you mean? Do you know who I am?"

She didn't answer, just averting her gaze.

"Hey... Who exactly are you?" Chaeyeon asked, still not getting a reply. "You're a vampire, right? They've been spreading rumors about this place..."

"I see... Like what?"

"That there's a vampire who was killed here... And that she's been sleeping here waiting for her true love to wake her up..."

Sakura looked up, staring at Chaeyeon with somber eyes.

Chaeyeon's eyes widened, connecting the dots in her head.

"No... No way! That's not possible! I don't even know who you are! I can't--!"

"Sakura-onee-chan, the tea is finished," Nako said, coming in with a tea tray. On the tray was a porcelain teapot and two cups, all of which had rose designs on them.

After she did that, she handed Chaeyeon her purse and her phone back.

"Nee nee, unnie, who is this?" Nako then asked, holding up the CD Chaeyeon had bought. "I haven't heard of this group yet. Can we listen together later?"

"Hey, give that back!" Chaeyeon snatched the CD from Nako. However, when she saw her sad expression, she immediately regretted it. "Sorry..."

She saw that her sister had sent her more texts and even called her.

"Oh crap... I'm gonna hear it from Mom once I get home..."

"Please, have some tea while we explain everything," Sakura said calmly, her gaze unwavering.

She knelt down at the coffee table and began preparing the tea. Chaeyeon glanced over at Nako, who was now sitting on one of the chairs, staring at her.

"Chaeyeon-unnie, what happened to your hair?" she then asked.


"Why is it black?"

La Vie En Rose ~An IZ*ONE vampire story~Where stories live. Discover now