Chance of new beginnings

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Yui, Yuki, and Nako were standing out in the hallway. They were all in silence, waiting in front of the study for either Sakura or Chaeyeon to step out.

"Is unnie going to be okay?" Nako finally spoke up, breaking the silence between them.

"She'll probably need to rest, but she'll be fine," Yui said comfortingly.

"She regained the memories of her past; it's only natural she'd be in shock."

"Did Juri and the others leave?"

Nako nodded.

"She told me once Sakura-onee-chan decided when she wanted to go see the Hunters' organization leader to contact her."

"And where's Wonyoung?" Yuki asked.

"Back in the garden."

They heard the click from the door opening and saw Sakura walk out of the room.

"How is she?" Yui asked.

"She's fine. She said she wanted some time by herself, to process everything."

"That's understandable. We should let her rest; we'll check up on her later."

They started to walk back to the main lobby, hearing a frantic knocking at the door.

"Who could that be?" Sakura pondered as she walked to the door. She opened it and saw an unfamiliar girl with brown hair and blonde highlights. She immediately noticed the pointed ears, noting her that she was a Fae. "Um, who are you?"

The Fae girl just looked at her nervously, "Um... Is Jang Wonyoung here?"

"You know Wonyoung?"

"I-is she here? Please, I need to find her!"

"Okay, hold on," Sakura reached her hand out, but the Fae flinched slightly. She slowly placed her hand on her shoulder to calm her down. "We'll bring her here. Would you like to come in?"

The Fae girl shyly walked in, lowering her head as she stood in front of the other vampires. Sakura told Nako to go get Wonyoung, sending the small vampire away.

"Hello there," Yui smiled warmly to try and ease the girl's nerves. "So, you're a friend of Wonyoung's?"


"Let me guess, you came to look for her because she ran away from home?" Yuki asked.

The girl nodded, "Yes..."

Sakura could see the girl was tense. Knowing how seclusive the Fae were, she's most likely never come across a Nightling and have only heard stories of them being monsters who attack Fae.

"Don't be afraid," Sakura said calmly. "You can trust us."

She saw the tension in her expression ease up a bit. Albeit, she still seemed very timid.

"Gyuri?!" They all turned their heads as they heard Wonyoung's voice. The purple haired Fae ran towards her friend and hugged her. "What are you doing here?!"

"I was looking for you! Gahyeon told me you went across the border to the human world!"

"Did she say 'kyuuri' (cucumber)?" Nako tilted her head, puzzled.

"Ah, I'm sorry," the Fae named Gyuri bowed her head to the vampires. "I forgot to introduce myself... My name's Jang Gyuri."

"But how did you even find me here?" Wonyoung asked.

"I could sense you were here."

"Fae can do that?" Nako whispered to her sister.

"I think it's similar to how Nightlings can sense each other."

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