Chapter 2

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Parking behind my mum's car, I head to the frontdoor and knock as I open it and walk inside. Entering the kitchen, I find mum at the table drinking a cup of tea while reading a novel.

"Hi mum, how was Luka?" I ask as I take a cup from the cupboard to pour myself a cup of tea before joining her at the table.

Mum smiles at me as she places a bookmark in her place in the book as she hums. "He was perfect as always. Boobear you don't have to worry about Luka, you are doing a fine job raising him into a wonderful young man."

Smiling gently at her still unsure of her answer and how well of a job I am actually doing raising my son. "I'm just worried that I am going to screw up and he's going to turn out like Sean and bail at the first sign of life not turning out how he wants it too."

Mum sighs softly as she gently takes my hand in her's that isn't holding my mug. "Louis, you are doing a fine job as a parent. As a parent you will always worry if you are doing right by your child or children, that fear never goes away even when they are older and living their own lives. Luka is a lot like you were as a child; quiet and shy and you turned out just fine and so will Luka."

"Thank you mum, that means a lot to me," I whisper just as Luka enters the kitchen, yawning widely and rubbing his tiny fits into his eyes, clearing out the sleep.

"Hi baby boy, how was your nap?" I coo as I help him climb onto my lap with one arm as I move my hot tea with the other hand.

Luka snuggles into my hold, digging his head into my chest as he wraps his arms around my neck. "Good papa. Do you work tomorrow?" he asks softly with a slight whine in his voice.

"No baby boy, tomorrow is Saturday and you have me tomorrow and Sunday and the rest of tonight."

"Yeah!" Luka cheers into my clothed chest as he fist pumps into the air.

"Oh, Uncle Liam and Uncle Zayn are coming over tomorrow night too," I inform him as his cheer becomes louder. "So, tonight we will have dinner here with nana, grampa, and your aunties and uncle."

This is a typical Friday night for us, we have dinner at mum's house and then Luka and I usually spend Saturday night with my two best friends at either my flat or theirs and then Sunday is just for Luka and I as is Saturday before Liam and Zayn arrive.

Mum and I chat while Luka eats his snack that I grab out of his diaper bag for him; I refuse to allow mum to give him my siblings snacks. Mum fills up his sippy cup full of water for him while her and I catch up on everything. I've been wanting to have another baby but I don't want a boyfriend or a one night stand in order to achieve having another baby. I've been thinking of going through a fertility clinic and I've decided that I want mum's opinion on the subject.

Taking a deep breath as I blurt out my thoughts. "I want another baby and I'm thinking of going through a fertility clinic. What do think of this?"

Heat flushes across my cheeks as mum and I stare at each other for a few moments. There is a slow smile crossing her lips; "That sounds like a wonderful idea Boobear but have you thought this through? You are already raising Luka alone do you really want to raise another baby alone? You know we will always help you but two babies alone is different than one alone."

Smiling at her as I nod and gently brush Luka's caramel colored feathery hair out of his eyes. "Yeah, I've been thinking this over for several months and I know it will be hard but I know I can do this. I want a big family, even if that means doing that on my own and I don't want Luka to be an only child. I don't want a boyfriend right now nor do I want to go about this by having one night stands, so a clinic is my best option where I can control how and by whom."

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