Chapter 5

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The last four months have been going great with life and my pregnancy; Zayn and Liam come along with me to my appointments. I haven't gained much baby weight yet like I did with Luka and when I asked the doctor about this concern she says that every pregnancy is differnt for a person and this one the baby is probably going to have a small stature like myself.

I still haven't heard from Harry in this time and I've completly given up on him and men in general. Don't misunderstand me, I still am interested in men and in Harry but I have more important people to worry about in my life like my son, my future baby and those who mean the world to me. I'm currently five months pregnant and this pregnant is so different than when I was with Luka; causing me to think that this baby might be a girl. I honestly don't mind either way but if I was able to choose the sex of my baby I would choose a girl this time around since I already have a boy.

I'm excited for my next appointment in a month, hopefully the baby will allow the doctor to see what it's gender is. Zayn and Liam are coming to that appointment as well and Luka is staying with mum. We're going to have another family dinner with Liam and Zayn when we find out next month as well; honestly Liam and Zayn have been coming to more of these since I've become pregnant and to make it fair to mum, her and I alternate whose house it is at.

I've been placed at one of the resturantes that have characters still as Peter Pan, where I am able to sit and have meals with the kids whose parents pay for this feature. Once I told work I was pregnant, I was immeditely placed at the resturant which my swollen feet and ankles appreicate. I'm thankful that I wasn't fired from my job since I need the income.

I kept all of Luka's non-clothing items and have the spare room turned into a nursery already; the only items I need now are the smaller items and clothes since I donated all of those items to a woman's shelter.

"Lou," Zayn says as he walks up behind me as I am clocking out of work. Turning around I smile brightly at him, waiting for him to continue. "Liam and I want to take you and Luka out for dinner tomorrow night along with some baby and Luka shopping."

Gapping at him, I shake my head as I move to the side so he can clock out, just realizing that Liam isn't here. "Where's Liam?" I ask as Z and I head toward the locker room to change.

"He's in the locker room already," Z replies as we enter the room. Z and I quickly shower and change, the three of us not speaking until we're leaving the builidng toward Liam's car. Since I've become pregnant, they won't let me drive to and from work from their home.

"So, how about tomorrow night, LouLou?" Liam asks as he drives us back to his house.

"Dinner is a yes, shopping is a negative," I reply with a giggle at his and Zayn's fallen faces. "Why not?" Zayn demands before Liam can.

"For one I don't know what gender the baby is so I don't want to buy too many clothes just yet and for two Luka doesn't need anything. I figure we can have dinner out and then either do something afterwards while we are in town or come back to mine and watch movies or something there."

Zayn and Liam actually pout at me as Liam parks his car next to mine in his drive. "Fine but as soon as the gender is we are clothes shopping for both the baby and Luka and a few other items."

Liam is determined to do this I guess; I'm not sure who is more excited about this pregnancy, me or Liam and Zayn but I love this so I won't complain.

"Well fellas, I am going to take my leave to pick up my baby boy before heading to the grocery store to pick up some food." Heading to the drivers side of my car to leave.

"What weird foods are you craving now?" Zayn asks with a smirk. I've been having some weird craveings lately but I don't care.

"Pickles with nutella and peanut butter," I reply with a smirk knowing I will gain some sort of reaction from them; which I do as both Liam and Zayn pull a face of disgust. Giggling at their expressions I wave as I climb into my car and starting it as I shut the door.

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